When we go away forever, and coming back is only a vague dream....

Jul 23, 2007 08:27

All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go.....

Well, this is it. Day after tomorrow, on Wednesday, I'm leaving for College. Finally.

I'll be going to the Birla Institute of Technology,Pilani- Goa Campus to do a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering.

I've never left home before, and it seems awkward. Maybe I'll miss my parents a little bit, because I am a ( Read more... )

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Comments 52

ravynstoneabbey July 23 2007, 03:34:38 UTC
Good luck! And I could help with the laundry bit. email is ravynstone.abbey@gmail.com and you can email me any questions!


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 03:39:12 UTC

Thank you! *hugs* If I need how to operate the washer, I'll mail straight to you! :D


manonlechat July 23 2007, 03:35:21 UTC
Sounds like a frightening and exciting turning point in your life! *hugs* Update us once you can.

I'm sorry about the horrible words from your uncle. How totally inappropriate. I'm glad your parents stood behind you.

I hope that I don't come across as patronizing when I say this, but the tone of your post is so... brave. And confidant. (I envy it a little--I cried out of fear the first night after I left home for college--even though I really wanted to go and was really READY to go. I never went back, either--but that was the right direction for my life. And my mother and I do have a much better relationship now that I'm not living with her.) I'm sure you'll do well in whatever lies ahead!


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 03:42:11 UTC
*hugs* I misses the Manon! But yes, it is exciting....

I'm actually feeling like this is just a long trip away from home. Even earlier, when I left for excursions, I never felt scared, and I hope it remains that way.

You don't sound patronizing at all! I'm feeling pretty normal, though. And I will update you guys...as soon as I'm settled.


raychcons July 23 2007, 03:37:55 UTC
Sounds rather exciting! I know I'm going to hate leaving and going far away places..

Thank God for livejournal, eh Lily?

I don't see how I will be much help, but I am good at emotional support! ::sparkle sparkle::

Good luck!!


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 03:43:21 UTC
But Sev, dear...didn't you die and go to heaven? That's along way...but you're close to me now.

I need the moral support thingy...*sparkles ith you*


raychcons July 23 2007, 03:55:18 UTC

I'm always here for you, Lily! :D!


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 04:00:08 UTC
I knew it, my hero....Sev!


airspaniel July 23 2007, 03:43:02 UTC
Three years ago I moved to NYC, half a country away from all of my family and friends. I had never left home before, and it was really hard adjusting, especially since I'm an only child.
But three years later I'm still here, pursuing my dreams, and I'm happy, and thanks to phones and the internet, I still have many of the things I had to leave behind.

My point is, you seem a lot more resolute and confidant than I did when I moved, and well... I made it okay. ^_^ So there's no reason to believe that you won't flourish wherever you go!

I'm not sure what kind of practical advice I can give you, but I'm always around to answer questions if you have them. ^_^


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 03:47:14 UTC

I'm not moving very far actually, and Goa is pretty easily reachable.

Us only children have this problem...it's difficult. I sound brave because, well, I've never felt sad, even when I left on long excursions for schools.

The phone is always there, and I can always keep in touch, as you said.

I've seen a lot of difficulty in these two months, hehe...so maybe I will not do too badly. :D


airspaniel July 23 2007, 04:36:07 UTC
You'll do just fine. ^_^


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 07:58:32 UTC
I hope so too....:D


wicked_oni July 23 2007, 07:08:28 UTC
Sends you a million pounds of good luck from half a world away. Yes, I'm someone you'll probably never meet in person but I've so enjoyed getting to know you over these past few months and I wish you all the best. You're caring, brave, smart and, even in moments when you seem sad, I always see you look for the silver lining to find the good in a situation. Your sunny outlook on life always makes me smile. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Take everything in stride and keep laughing, even when the real world throws you curves.

(Don't worry about the laundry! If you can handle Chemical Engineering, the washing machine is going to be nothing!)

Remember, you've got a whole friend-list rooting for you and we'll all be here no matter what you need!


shalinilahiri July 23 2007, 08:00:48 UTC

Someday, I'll cross the seven seas or rather, swim across Prince William Sound and see you! Thanks for always being with me in spirit.

I have a lovely f-list who've always been there for me, and thank you so much for wishes. *blows a kiss*


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