I picked up my pottery from Color Me Mine last night. I'm happy with how they came out, but now I know some techniques I will plan to use in the future. I really want to go back in the future and do the GARDEN KNOME for myself!
I need a bust out a knitted baby cap by the 30th. I think I can. I think I can. I plan to use the "Stitch and Bitch" baby hat I made before, and
sailormouse is being extra helpful and going to check out the book from the Colonie library for me! I gave my copy to Abigail for her graduation.
Tonight I have Belly Dancing, followed by Ultimate Frisbee on the Anderson Field at RPI (anyone else interested in coming???), followed by wings at the Ale House. Thursday is still up in the air, but will involve food with Alpha Phi alum or coworkers. ETA: Yay, I'm going to the Charter House for a banquet to Celebrate Megan's award!. Friday I’m planning on going to
This dance performance at RPI, which sound super cool. I’m still looking for other people interested in going.
horvendile visits, and I’m really looking forward to that. We’re going to see
The Strangelings (link plays music) at Café Lena in Saratoga. Gordon and I are going to sell merchandise for them, so we don’t have to pay for tickets. I figured out that this is another way I can save some money. I’m also going to sell Merch for Phil Henry, and I need to contact Crooked Still and Patty Larkin to see if they’re interested.
Sunday is supposed to be gorgeous, so I plan to use it to dig up/plant my Day Lily and Daffodil bulbs. Yay for time in the garden!
Next week is all filled up with two restaurant trips for Albany Restaurant Week, a co-op meeting, dance class, CoaHTR post-mordem, a Phil Henry concert, Alpha Phi Alumnae weekend, a baby shower and a “Shake and Bake” with Alpha Psi! Whew, just writing that makes me tired! I also want to try to find a place to play Volleyball until my LT Spikers practices start again.
So, tonight is the Premier of ANTM, Cycle 9!!! Dude, I just looked back, and the first time we did a poll it was CYCLE 5 - the Nicole/Nik final. That seems so long ago! So, once again I’m setting up a poll so people can vote on who they think will win. Everyone should watch the first show, then come here and vote before 9/26 7:59 pm.
Everyone will say who they think will win 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. If you guess first place right, and are the only one who guesses right, then you win. If multiple people get it right, then we'll look at who guessed 2nd place right. Out of these people. if no one got 2nd place right, then we'll go to third place. If multiple people guessed both 1st and 2nd place right, then we'll look at their third place choices. In other words, the person who guessed the outcome the best wins, but it is most important to guess 1st place correctly. If no one guesses 1st place correctly, then we will look at who's second place choice won, then their third choice, etc.
Poll ANTM Cycle 9!!! Crap, I just realized I didn't set up my DVR to tape tonight's episode!
ETAThings aren't looking good for repairing my old computer. :-( Dominic thinks the fan is broken. So, I'm probably going to need to buy a new computer. Crap!