Work And Teeth

Aug 21, 2011 00:25

Shit, I could have SWORN I hit "restore from saved draft ( Read more... )

stupid teeth, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, tara, life, work

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Comments 8

forgottensanity August 21 2011, 05:49:31 UTC
After some deliberation as to what would be best to say, I've decided on this: I hope the oral surgery will be over soon! I will never forget having my wisdom tooth removed, it was one of the worst things ever. I hope your surgery will go better.

It sounds like you got a competent surgeon, so that's always a step in the right direction. And I'm amazed that your insurance covers dental surgery. Over here, once you're 18, you're basically on your own money.


shake_the_stars August 24 2011, 01:19:09 UTC
It's scheduled for exactly one month from today. (Cue "Final Countdown".) I hope it will go well too; I have a pretty high pain threshold so I'm not too worried about things going awry, at least as far as that goes.

Definitely--I like my dentist, and I didn't think he'd steer me wrong, but I've just met too many Teeth Jerks. I have separate dental insurance through my job (which is how most Americans are insured, if they are) that covers my dentist visits and things like this, as well as the cavities I'm having filled next week and so on and so forth; it can be hard to come by, but many employers (especially large ones like mine) do offer it.


dethorats August 21 2011, 08:43:09 UTC
I am glad the oral surgery visit went well! I had nitrous and I have got to tell you I thought the whole thing was cool and kind of surreal. You're drugged just enough to be aware that what's going in is admittedly pretty gruesome (lol, although that could also be because I'm a bleeder) but you don't have the ability to give a damn (I actually was pretty fascinated but, eh, back in the day I wanted to be a surgeon so...). I think it'll be fine. It'll suck for a few days afterward but overall it's pretty routine. And the price, huzzah! That's a great price and I'm glad this person seems like someone you can trust as well. Or at least feel comfortable around.

As for mandatory overtime, boo and hiss. I hope you are getting compensated but I suppose if you're salaried you're out of luck. In any event, best of luck with everything!


shake_the_stars August 24 2011, 01:26:57 UTC
I was very pleasantly surprised! (Though the little ZOMG DOOM IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR WISDOM TEETH OUT video they show you cracked me up, I guess because I was raised to believe it's often unnecessary surgery and I'm kind of conservative like that.) Having never been high as a kite, I am somewhat intrigued (and trepidated, but I've been fortunate to escape serious physical illness or major injury, so if I'm only now having surgery for the first time and it's something as minor as this, I figure I'm doing pretty well).

Mandatory overtime does suck--I come home tired and unmotivated to do anything I have to do, but I figure if I'm working 7-5:30 that's not such a big stretch from my normal hours. Also, I'm hourly, and it is the bank's policy to pay sweet, sweet time and a half. XD


suspenders4cats August 21 2011, 16:37:21 UTC
Shit, dude, my wisdom teeth surgery (I got all four out in one go, they were terrible) ran me $3,000. Dr. Oral Surgeon is a saint, or works voodoo magics.


shake_the_stars August 24 2011, 01:28:48 UTC
I think it's the voodoo magics! :D Seriously, though, I'm only having two out, and I'm having nitrous, not sedation or general anaesthesia, so both of those tend to drive down the price.

Also, there's the whole thing where the cost of living in Indiana is somewhat to rather lower than it is in NYC, so that probably figures in as well. XD


song_of_copper August 21 2011, 16:41:20 UTC
Well, that is good re. Oral Surgeon! Now that you know he understands your point of view and is willing to be guided by you, that must be a huge weight off your mind. I'm sure oral surgery is never pleasant (...understatement?!) but at least you don't have that to worry about. I hope it goes well and that your recovery will be swift! :-D


shake_the_stars August 24 2011, 01:30:52 UTC
It was a tremendous relief :D Also, my fears of dying under anaesthesia have been allayed! (Largely by virtue of the fact that I won't be generally anaesthetized, but we've been over that XD) Really, at the moment, I'm just concerned about dry socket, though the major risk factor no longer applies to me.


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