Blah Blah Blah (Also, French Toast)

Oct 05, 2010 17:30

So I'm doing this to show forgottensanity up. Well, not really, but Cat loves to bake and make desserts, so she's been talking about photoblogging the dessert progress in question, which I think is a capital idea. I'm not trying to steal her thunder, as I do more cooking than baking, but I did kind of steal the idea ( Read more... )

lolpics, culinary adventures, cat, omg talyn, rp, lolmom, mindless acquisition, stupid body

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Comments 21

augustuscaesar October 5 2010, 23:20:09 UTC
That looks yummy! Although far too rich for me to eat for brekkie!

And I am interested in anything you want to post :)


shake_the_stars October 6 2010, 00:07:52 UTC
It was yummy! The lolmom was v. excited when it came out of the oven :D THIS DISH ALSO MAKES A FINE LUNCH OR DINNER~

Next up: Pictures Of The Dirt Under My Fingernails ;)


samanosukesgirl October 6 2010, 03:24:38 UTC
OO!! Interesting!! I Wiki'd it and French toast is actually Spanish. I knew that Spain during the Middle Ages had some nomerific foodies but I didn't know French toast was hip and happenin' then for them.

The whole hospital night I had last year? You've read my LJ entry (I'M SURE?!) after I finished at the hospital on Friday. I MAY HAVE A DORMANT VIRUS THAT DECIDED TO WAKE UP and smell the coffee. I'll know at the beginning of November if it be that or a passing by one.

Avon? Mary Kay? Sears? Canadian Tire?


shake_the_stars October 6 2010, 20:33:58 UTC
That is awesome! I have learnt something new today! Though I wonder why it isn't called Spanish toast; perhaps it's like the French Pox/English Pox thing.

I remember that vaguely, yes. Ugh on dormant viruses; however, as I do not have one, cannot fully sympathize. (I am free of AIDS. I'm pretty sure I'm also free of other kinds of fail, but I don't have those tests back yet and probably won't until the beginning of next week.) Hopefully it's something just passing by? :D?

ELF, actually. Does Canadian Tire sell makeup? Who'da thunk it.


samanosukesgirl October 6 2010, 20:55:25 UTC
Since it only came up once over a year, it was probably just a passing one. But with all the other things I have, I won't be surprised if I have something.

Canadian Tire probably has Christmas things up for sale. Oo I just got my Halloween costume..


shake_the_stars October 6 2010, 22:09:55 UTC
Yeah, but fingers crossed that that isn't the case :(

I saw your Halloween costume! Awesome.


forgottensanity October 6 2010, 06:56:36 UTC
Mm, French toast.

All the recipes I've seen have always consisted of: soft bread dipped in egg with sugar / cinnamon then fried on the pan and served with some kind of berry compot (a few places also whipped cream). Blueberry have often been seen, but otherwise strawberry or raspberry. Jam / marmelade can work in a pinch.

Caramel sauce is unheard of up until now, but I will have to give it a go one day. It would go well with a brunch.

Also, you stole my idea!?! *ragequits the internets*


shake_the_stars October 6 2010, 20:35:30 UTC
That's how we usually do it, too, but stuffed French toast, or fancified French toast, is not uncommon at buffets and bed-and-breakfast type places here. We often have ours with maple syrup or powdered sugar, though fruit-based anything would work well. :9

Caramel sauce goes well with lots of things!



forgottensanity October 7 2010, 11:50:22 UTC
When you say powdered sugar, do you mean the white confectioner's sugar? Because I was just thinking that brown sugar would also be awesome.

When I was little, I loved myself some white bread with a thick layer of butter and then an equally thick layer of brown sugar on top.

Mm. Waaant.


shake_the_stars October 11 2010, 04:16:23 UTC
That is indeed what Americans mean by powdered sugar. Brown sugar also works well on French toast, though, and I speak from experience. :9

Also: cinnamon toast. :D


dethorats October 6 2010, 07:16:25 UTC
Wow that french toast looked ridiculously good. Also, I think my mother still has that magazine as well. The Price household also holds onto all things possibly useful and printed on paper.


shake_the_stars October 6 2010, 20:46:07 UTC
It was really good. :9 I tend to hang on to printed matter indefinitely, so lolmom is like CAN WE PLZ GET RID OF OLD COOKING MAGAZINES and I am like NO. XD


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