My Father The Lolrus

Feb 12, 2010 23:18

The weirdest thing happened today, y'all ( Read more... )

cat, movies, lolmom, mindless acquisition, h, bekki, tedious paternal drama, samurai

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Comments 8

pixelation February 13 2010, 07:22:17 UTC
Note to self: if I see a lolrus, hiss and run away!!!!!


shake_the_stars February 13 2010, 07:32:49 UTC
If you can steal his bukkit (assuming he has acquired another one) without being seen, go for it! (I think he lives near the LA area I AM IGNORANT OF THE GEOGRAPHY OF YOUR FINE STATE, so you may not be unexpectedly confronted with surprise lolruses.)

I apologize in advance if you and C ever decide to sell your house and barely break even :<

(Incidentally, when I started typing this, "San Franciscan Night" by Eric Burton and the Animals came on. OMG WEIRD SYNERGISMS!!!)


pixelation February 13 2010, 17:01:39 UTC
OK, steal bukkit THEN hiss and run away, got it. :D

But seeing that SF and LA are like 400 miles apart, I think I'll be safe from any lolruses!

It would have to go down a lot for us to barely break even, thankfully. We had some speshul circumstances that I probably should have written about but got lazy. Basically, I took over the house from my parents and refinanced it so that they can get some extra cash and can retire sooner. But since they bought before the ridiculous real estate gold rush, the property value is still way over my mortgage amount (even though they had refi'd once or twice and the mortgage amount is already quite a bit over the amount they purchased for).


shake_the_stars February 14 2010, 07:03:50 UTC
If you have time, feel free to beat his wife over the head with the bukkit, too. I won't tell if you don't. But if you can only do one thing, hiss and run. :D

Lolruses are somewhat homophobic and unlikely to arrive in SF, as they have heard there is a large population of gay homosexuals there. The one time I tried to tell my father I was queer, it was like a bad parody of The Onion.

That is awesome. :) Your parents are teh clevarz, yo. (My parents, by contrast, moved on average every 2 years--13 times over the 22-23 years of their marriage--and when we left, we inevitably left the house in better condition than we found it, because apparently my folks were the only people in America who know how to take care of Victorians and other older homes. Despite this, we barely broke even when we were lucky. Apparently, my father had some sort of hate-on about renting, even though there are some really nice rentals and it would likely have been a better fit for our nomadic lifestyle.)


forgottensanity February 13 2010, 09:40:31 UTC
There is no such thing as too many kitties!!

Except if you forget to feed them and they decide to feed on you instead. But then that was your own fault.


shake_the_stars February 13 2010, 11:10:04 UTC
Or if you don't clean their box ever and they mess on the carpet. F'rinstance.


zyphryus February 17 2010, 13:43:09 UTC

my mom's ex (sisters father not mine) looks like captain kangaroo. Not then but now, which disturbs mom as she really liked captain kangaroo, and now she is conflicted.


shake_the_stars February 18 2010, 04:02:15 UTC

Oh, God, your poor mom. I can see where there would be some serious conflict there; nobody wants their beloved childhood memories sullied by their exes. D:

I don't think any of my exes look especially like beloved pop culture figures or cute animals, which is probably for the best.


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