Happy New Year, Dammit

Jan 02, 2008 22:27

First off: THXSOMUCH dethorats 4 PCKG. You are now officially my favorite for the espresso chocolate alone, and may possibly hold the coveted post of Favoritest Ever for the Maori folktales. Also, the socks fucking ROCK and match my ttly 4w5um grey pants. Also also, I hope you survived your attempt at better living through dentistry. XD ( Read more... )

sex, price, stupid back, moral dilemmas, x-chan, mindless acquisition, h, t3h m0md0rk, xmas

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Comments 12

augustuscaesar January 3 2008, 08:24:12 UTC
Pizza and movies sounds like a hella good way to spend NY to me.

I don't know what it's like there, but I've heard that here you're far better off giving the money to one of the charities who work with the homeless/poor, because that way you can be sure that the money is being put to good use.


shake_the_stars January 4 2008, 00:55:12 UTC
We're l4m3rz, so we fell asleep before midnight. But yes, it was a good time. Cate Blanchett is always a bit of all right. :D

That's probably the case here, but I am, how you say, a big old sucker.


augustuscaesar January 4 2008, 01:04:56 UTC
I've never really understood the Cate Blanchett thing, but I find all manner of odd people attractive, so I figure I prolly can't talk ;)


shake_the_stars January 4 2008, 01:30:10 UTC
OMG HEATHEN *g* I don't get the boyband thing, so we're even. ;)


forgottensanity January 3 2008, 11:02:44 UTC
If I had known you could get so excited about socks, I would've sent you some of the old ones I've got lying around. Share the wealth (with me) is what I always say.

Denmark is a welfare state, essentially meaning that it isn't necessary for anyone to beg. We don't let anyone go hungry. Well, we have a tendency to treat immigrants like crap, but everyone else is doing it, too!!!11!! Hurray for the government and small-minded and racist people! I don't see very many beggars in Denmark, but of course we do have some. Most of them, however, appear to be of a non-Danish ethnicity, so I don't know if they're even here legally. I don't give money to beggars, though. I pay high taxes and my money is spent to ensure free health care, education and social help to those who need it. Everyone still complains about the taxes, as people have always been and always will be wont to do, but I will much rather pay high taxes than let people starve in the streets.


shake_the_stars January 4 2008, 00:33:07 UTC
We have noted your desire to be a recipient of the shared wealth. Unfortunately, we are not able to apportion wealth without the QPRIZB2 form, which should be filled out in triplicate, using only chartreuse or apricot ink, and then distributed as follows: puce copy to Accounting (49.5th floor, Main Building in Montevideo), magenta copy (Auxiliary Building, located in Beirut) to Internal Records, and goldenrod copy to your case manager (see form #A11B-2719 for your case manager's name and address, which should be neatly stamped in teal ink in the small box in the lower left-hand corner). Remember, your QPRIZB2 should be HAND-DELIVERED in the event you are unable to locate a carrier pigeon service. Please be assured that your request is very important to all of us here at LeeWealth Conglomerated, Inc. and will be handled in the order in which it is received. :D ( ... )


forgottensanity January 4 2008, 08:08:50 UTC
*is dead from bureaucracy ( ... )


shake_the_stars January 6 2008, 06:53:50 UTC

Well, yes, the English signs would be a dead giveaway. I'd lump the wrecked drunken drug addicts in the class of "beggar", since they are in fact begging for money, though the avowed purpose is probably different. (I wonder if anybody, on either shore, ever actually has the balls to come out and say, "Uh, hey, listen, I'm jonesing so hard for my next fix and I'm short on cash.")

All governments suck. Some just suck less than others. Also, is it sekritley the Danish Racist People's Party, then?


dethorats January 4 2008, 05:51:18 UTC
Yay I'm glad it got there. I am hopeful that the folktales were not something you already had?!

And I spent New Year's Eve at work, which is the lamest way to spend the holiday by far. As for charity, I am a stingy bastard. I gave a dollar to the Salvation Army, a dollar to Wal-Mart children's fund, and five dollars to Borders for the books for kids fund and that was my charity for all of 2007. 2008 will probably be more of the same. I will, however, stump for social policy reform so I feel better about myself.


shake_the_stars January 6 2008, 06:35:38 UTC
I did not already have the folktales! It has proven very hard to find Maori-related stuff in the bookstores, though I keep my eyes peeled. OMGTHANKGODIHAVEANIULIBRARYBORROWERSCARD. :D

That is lametacular, and I am sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I crapped out before midnight. XD

One of my goals is to try and be a less stingy bastard this year, but we'll see how that one pans out.


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