I've Got Friday On My Mind

Apr 12, 2007 18:07

1.) For the three people who didn't find out the hard way, XFO is on the fritz because I haven't renewed the hosting package because I haven't got my refund yet. So basically mail sent there will not be delivered. So try legioxxvictrix AT yahoo DOT com instead if you need me, kthx, or if you want to be SURE I'll look at your e-mail, ask nicely for ( Read more... )

xfo, plans, fandom, quest for the elusive sue, things that really shit me, int0rwebz history, life, weekend

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Comments 9

Nothing of real use to you, just me babbling about this lady duokinneas April 13 2007, 05:11:05 UTC
But Gundam Wing is so fabulously wonderful and I've been way too into the fandom all these years (read: since it first aired on CN and I got hopelessly hooked) and probably need to get a life, because I do know what you're talking about, sadly enough, mostly because she seemed to hate Lady Une so much and ranted about her - I think she did this a few times, but hell, like I remember that much after so many years? It must've been four or five years now; it's shocking that I remember this chick (and to be honest, it was the picture on the front page after Waybacking it that jogged my memory completely).

**deep breath** As with all sites of its ilk, I got out of this one quickly, partially because back then, I wasn't too hot on Treize or the idea of anybody getting together with him. But then again, even then, I was like, "Ew, she's a Mary Sue!" (though I didn't yet know that term, so it was more like, "Ew, but she's not a real GW character!").

I don't remember seeing her anywhere other than her own site, but then, I know I'd remember ( ... )


forgottensanity April 13 2007, 08:34:44 UTC
Wow, what a coincidence, I thought of making Ashley's middle name Black Sylke! Well, really "Blak Sylke". It's such an awesome and inspiring name. It takes me back to my first RPG experience and the twins Velvet and Silk. Not my own characters, unfortunately, but one of the writers was a haughty little so-and-so ("I have been in this RPG for a lot longer than you so obviously I know everything!") and the other one couldn't write an intelligent sentence if his life depended on it. One of the twins was male, but I can't remember which one. I guess either way would be bad.

I haven't seen more than a couple of Gundam Wing episodes either, but I've always been quite fond of the one with the long braid.


shake_the_stars April 18 2007, 00:28:08 UTC
I think you should spell it "Blyzzacke Syzzylke", and the "yzz" can be silent. Nothing says classy like silent syllables! Also, you need some more apostrophes; perhaps Bl'yzz'ac'k'e Sy'zzy'l'k'e'.

I think I actually played with the writers of Velvet and Silk. Or their evil twins, whichever. At any rate, I played with somebody who couldn't spell or form a complete sentence if her life depended on it, not to mention trying to godmode us all from here to kingdom come.

Me too. ^_^


forgottensanity April 20 2007, 08:22:09 UTC
Usin silen leters wud be so cool, dat ardly apens dese days.

Also, the H in my own name is silent, so you see how fantastic that is. Danes don't appreciate the whole "th" shtick. What's it good for, they ask, and say "Absolutely nothing". Danes are like that.


shake_the_stars April 20 2007, 21:24:29 UTC
Cat ur hurtin my bran rely bad.

Wow! You're a Delicate Special Beautiful Unique Snowflake! (The H in my name is not silent. WOE! How can I ever hope to flee this vale of toil and sin?)

Then your compatriots are Philistines for not appreciating the beauty of your silent H. ;_;


aeromancy April 14 2007, 03:26:44 UTC
Wait, you're actively seeking out Mary Sue work? Like, amagad.


shake_the_stars April 18 2007, 00:20:00 UTC
I'm a desperate, broken man, Anemos. ;)

A desperate, broken man who wasn't getting his e-mail for a bit there, at that, so plz pardon our late reply.


aeromancy April 18 2007, 02:38:05 UTC
I understand. Sometimes I read that stuff just to see how bad it can get, or when I need a self-esteem boost. But then my high wears off and I end up feeling worse 'cause I had to go to that to make me feel better. Everyone knows that I'm Treize's bitch, though.


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