I was like, "Holy shit, it really has been that long," when I was in the gas station yesterday and was sorely tempted to say, "Yes, would you get me a pack of..." when the counter d00d asked me whether the gas was all for me today. The longing for them is insidious, but I figure I'm now duty-bound to see if I can make it four years. ;)
You do realize that forgottensanity will see that last and heatedly deny weeing on ANYTHING and the NERVE of some people making ALLEGATIONS like those. ;)
Mom and I have started talking about confining Callice during the day. I hate to do it, because I don't want her to associate our leaving with abandonment and punishment, but we've pretty much established that the weeing is behavioral, and it's EXPENSIVE to have everything cleaned. And in any case, I think "won't quit weeing" is a stupid reason to give a pet back to the Humane Society.
Once you get to three years, it's almost not worth giving up all that for a fag :) Likewise, I am not smoking at the moment, and don't feel particularly inclined to take it up again, but I have a bad habit of doing so anyway.
You'll have to set up security cameras to catch her at it!
She'll get used to being confined very quickly if that's what has to become the norm. And it's not like you can't reverse it if she gets over the weeing phase.
I struggle with the temptation on a regular basis. The knowledge that You-Know-Who will destroy me with fire if I do it again is somewhat helpful in keeping me on the straight and narrow.
She once attempted to reassure me that she hadn't weed on anything she sent me. I'm sure it would have worked if she hadn't been using her shifty-eyes icon.
True. It will probably hurt me worse than it will her. ;)
Ick. Cat urine smell. >_< I guess the next step would be to hold her over the chair and slap at her behind, which is what I escalate to if the cat has repeatedly done something completely out of bounds. Other than that, you're doing all you can do.
I wish you'd let us read what you think is horrid. I, at the least, might like it! I'm being serious!
I love being unproductive and I love j000000. ^^6 Also, I love this new layout, if I haven't mentioned it previously.
Thing is, though, I want her to associate "peeing on the chair" with "getting spanked", the way she associates "attacking Mommy's feet" with "getting spanked". And you really kind of have to catch them doing it in order to be effective, or otherwise they're going to think they got smacked for no apparent reason.
I guarantee you wouldn't, except in the same sense where you seem to like everything I fumble at. It's a whole bunch of clunky exposition of absolutely no interest to anyone except completists.
I l0ff j00000000 t000000000. ^_^ As for the new layout, you have the folks at LJ to thank for it, because I am not 1337 with the S2.
Comments 11
Now if CAT would stop weeing over everything, your life would be complete ;)
You do realize that forgottensanity will see that last and heatedly deny weeing on ANYTHING and the NERVE of some people making ALLEGATIONS like those. ;)
Mom and I have started talking about confining Callice during the day. I hate to do it, because I don't want her to associate our leaving with abandonment and punishment, but we've pretty much established that the weeing is behavioral, and it's EXPENSIVE to have everything cleaned. And in any case, I think "won't quit weeing" is a stupid reason to give a pet back to the Humane Society.
You'll have to set up security cameras to catch her at it!
She'll get used to being confined very quickly if that's what has to become the norm. And it's not like you can't reverse it if she gets over the weeing phase.
She once attempted to reassure me that she hadn't weed on anything she sent me. I'm sure it would have worked if she hadn't been using her shifty-eyes icon.
True. It will probably hurt me worse than it will her. ;)
I wish you'd let us read what you think is horrid. I, at the least, might like it! I'm being serious!
I love being unproductive and I love j000000. ^^6 Also, I love this new layout, if I haven't mentioned it previously.
I guarantee you wouldn't, except in the same sense where you seem to like everything I fumble at. It's a whole bunch of clunky exposition of absolutely no interest to anyone except completists.
I l0ff j00000000 t000000000. ^_^ As for the new layout, you have the folks at LJ to thank for it, because I am not 1337 with the S2.
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