Title: Glimpse of Understanding (1/1)
momdaegmorgan -
My master fic listRating: Teen
Spoilers: None
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Summary: Rose has a question. Does the Doctor have an answer?
Prompt: Did you ever think of me as your best friend? -- Hooverphonic, Eden
Disclaimer: Doctor Who owns my soul. I own nothing.
Author's Note: Beta by
sinecure (
Do you think of me, she asks suddenly, breath still coming in short, ragged bursts, as your best friend? )
Comments 17
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. :)
Thank you so much for the lovely review.
Finally found the cojones to say the words, eh, Doctor? Good man ;)
I swear it's like a stigma on the show. As if they think that if he says it, or if he, God forbid, was ever given some happiness, the show would plummet in ratings and be canceled. Yea, because we all so watch the show to enjoy his lonely torment. Even an angst-lover like me wants some fluff here and there.
Sorry...that turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it? Oops. :)
Sweet lovely story, by the way. Let's hear it for fanon!
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