Fic: Then We'll Go Dancing (1/1)

Oct 06, 2008 16:20

Title: Then We'll Go Dancing (1/1)
Author: momdaegmorgan - My master fic list
Rating: All ages
Spoilers: None
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose
Summary: Rose and the Doctor share a quiet moment.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who owns my soul. I own nothing.
Author's Note: Written for wiggiemomsi as part of the Support Stacie Author Auction. At her insistence I'd like to direct you to this song, which was my inspiration for the fic. For the optimum experience, please listen to the song while reading. :)
Beta by sinecure

She stands alone atop the hillside, feet toeing the edge, scattering rocks to the ground below. Just a few short hours ago the valley was filled with chaos, death, and destruction. Now, a blanket of quiet covers the land and it's these times, the times in between, that give her heartbeat pause and cause her breath to catch in her throat.

Tilting her face to the west, Rose leans into the breeze gently caressing her cheek. A smile tugs at her lips, eyes fluttering closed in contentment. The colors of the setting sun, the warm reds and golds, are still visible against her closed lids and she imagines, just for a moment, that she's back home.

Not that she wants to return to Earth. Not to stay anyway. No, she's too happy out here, exploring the nooks and crannies of time and space with the man she loves. She couldn't go back now, couldn't leave him alone in the huge spaceship he calls home. Couldn't return to the life that once seemed good enough for her. Not after everything she's seen and done.

Not after him.

The sound of approaching footsteps catches her attention, but she doesn't turn around. Doesn't need to. She knows who it is, can smell the scent of the universe on him from miles away. He pauses beside her, slips his hand into hers, and they stand there together in companionable silence, watching as day slowly fades into night.

When more time has passed than she would've thought possible for him to stand still for, he speaks up, his voice quiet and subdued. “You okay?”

She nods her head, swallowing down any response she might've considered. She doesn't want to think about what they went through today, what they saw. They don't normally do the post-adventure psychotherapy crap, and the fact that he asked her how she's feeling is a testament to how close they came to no one surviving the war. Them included.

As if sensing her reluctance to discuss it any further, he doesn't push the matter, just squeezes her hand once before pulling her to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she lets him support her tired body. She feels so safe here with him, so wanted. Her breath catches, as her chest tightens, with love for him and she buries her head against his shoulder before he can see the moisture gathering in her eyes.

She can hear him breathing, hear the soothing double thump of his twin hearts, the familiar sounds that have lulled her to sleep on countless occasions. She's so lost in him, in the simple act of being in his embrace, that she doesn't notice the gentle swaying of his hips, keeping time to an unknown rhythm until she hears the mesmerizing strain of music, most likely coming from the village they just left.

A quarter of their homes destroyed and they still find reason to celebrate. No matter how much she travels with the Doctor, no matter how much she sees, she thinks she'll never really understand the universe. Not like he does.

“It's a celebration of life, Rose,” his voice rumbles through her body. “They're alive 'n that's all that matters.”

momdaegmorgan: ninth doctor, momdaegmorgan, momdaegmorgan: then we'll go dancing

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