Fic: Stuck With You (1/1)

Sep 24, 2008 00:07

Title: Stuck With You (1/1)
Author: momdaegmorgan - My master fic list
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Seasons one through two
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose
Summary: Would it be so bad?
Disclaimer: Doctor Who owns my soul. I own nothing.
Author's Note: Written for wiggiemomsi as part of the Support Stacie Author Auction.
Beta by sinecure

Taking her to see the destruction of the planet she called home as an introduction to time and space travel was probably not the brightest of ideas. Nearly getting her killed while she watched said destruction should've been the deal breaker.

But it wasn't.

And through all the danger, through all the running for their lives, death nipping at their heels, she stayed.

By his side, hand in hand, she chased away the loneliness that, being the last of his kind, should've been his due.

So when the time came, just after the incident with Margaret, he took a chance, grasped the opportunity given to him, and didn't let go.

“Will you stay with me forever?” he asked, voice clouded with fear and hope.

A smile lit up her face, but there was hesitation there as well. “Forever's an awfully long time, Doctor.”

He shifted a bit, unwilling to face the brutal truth of her words, and tightened his fingers on hers, his eyes settling to the floor. “Time Lord, me. One thing I've got lots of is time.”

“But I don't.” She leveled her solemn gaze on him.

He hadn't planned on this conversation, hadn't expected her response to it either, but then again, he hadn't planned on a lot of things since meeting her. Like falling in love.

“No,” he said, turning to face her, a smile tugging at his lips, “no, it's not a long time, but another fifty or sixty years together ain't so bad.”

“Just a blink of an eye for you,” she teased, reaching out to him, fingers twitching, centimeters from his face, before stopping, just short of their goal. Her arm dropped uselessly to her lap.

He nodded in agreement, she was right. Then seeing the look of disappointment on her face, he hastened to reassure her. “Yeah, but, with you?” He lifted her chin, forcing her gaze back on him. “That wouldn't be so bad.”

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, and he took the opportunity presented to him, leaning down to capture her lips, swallowing her startled gasp. Her mouth opened under his as he drew her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. He poured all the passion into the kiss that he could, a kiss that quickly turned desperate and demanding as she slipped her tongue past his lips, exploring his mouth until she had mapped out every last centimeter.

Later, much later, it was his turn to move in her, making her cry out his name. The sound reverberated through the halls of his beloved ship, chasing the shadows away.


Light years and a lifetime away, they laid skin flush against skin, in an unfamiliar bed. Beneath an impossible sky, on a planet that shouldn't exist, their future no longer a promise of time and space, he heard his own words of long ago echo throughout the room.

“Stuck with you--that's not so bad.”

momdaegmorgan: stuck with you, momdaegmorgan: ninth doctor, momdaegmorgan

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