Title: Pretty as a Rose
Series: Samurai Warriors/Sengoku Musou
Characters: Mori Ranmaru
Rating: G
Status: Complete - Pen and Shading
Medium: Pen, Photoshop
Description: A sketch I doodled while on the phone of Ran-chan and a rose. The rose was drawn after I screwed up his hand. Heeheehee. I rather like how this one turned out. Mwehehehehe.
A rose by any other name [OKAY!!SORRY!]XD )
Comments 5
hey I remember ages ago you drew that picture of a male Persephone and Hades, did you ever draw anymore from that picture?
Pretty Ranmaru *____*
Sota says it would be better if he was naked though. -hits him-
Vincent's (over)protectiveness is adorable and so is Yuna's teary face. I love the "BLAH BLAH BLAH" in the background!
I only saw the top half of the third pic so I was like "Ooo, pretty coloring!!" and then I scroll down and see where the hand is and I go "Ooo, sexy!!" I prefer to think of the third one as a him. (I'm a sucker for long haired bishies!)
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