feast or famine

Apr 21, 2006 12:10

A couple weeks ago both of my bosses were on me about doing stuff for their projects ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

lorena_snape April 21 2006, 17:51:53 UTC
Well, I'd say the last 3 might not be possible at the office, not in public anyway. Do you have your own private office, or out in the open? My friend's boss always used to take a nap when he had downtime - can't do that if you're in public view, but maybe you could play a game with the sound down, or browse NY real estate online for your friend? As long as no one's hovering over you watching your monitor, who's to know??


Oh, and as for #10, if there are no acceptable prospects around, or if it's not an option for you, you could always go off to the ladies room and bring yourself off quietly. Should at least make the rest of the day go better...

*evil grin*


lorena_snape April 21 2006, 17:54:47 UTC
Uhm... just because I said that doesn't mean I've done it...



shagsthedustmop April 21 2006, 20:10:46 UTC
hehe, I'm in a "bull pen" - six of us in one big room. The main problem with playing Eve (don't have Sims on this machine so that's not an option) is how much bandwidth it sucks up... that gets noticed.

If we had a private enough ladies room I might be more creative with #10... but it's not really so quiet or private so I think the distraction of people coming in and out would kill the mood :)

I'm seriously clock watching though. Today will not be a late afternoon ;)


hornfroggie April 24 2006, 12:38:17 UTC
lol@coming in AND out :


starbb April 21 2006, 19:36:02 UTC
Hey! It sounds like you finally feel somewhat better, so yays! Sorry you are bored. I feel your pain. I am about to be on the road for 12 - 14 hours. bleh.


shagsthedustmop April 21 2006, 20:11:42 UTC
Ugh. That sounds even more boring! Drive carefully!


etherealizabeth April 21 2006, 20:09:45 UTC
if you need anyone to help keep you company if you get to do #8, lemme know ;)


shagsthedustmop April 21 2006, 20:12:18 UTC
hehe, ok :) Unfortunately I'm not too near the beach. *sigh*


mongoluehring April 21 2006, 21:18:16 UTC
I'm trying to work out which of the above could be done simultaneously. Multi-tasking! Getting laid while crocheting is too dangerous. Watching Firefly would be possible while sitting on the beach with a pina colada, as long as no sand got into the DVD player. Some board games are so bloody dull, they put me to sleep (hemhem - they don't call it "Monotony" for nothing), so that's possible too. :)


eryn_ April 22 2006, 00:50:42 UTC
Ha! That was very funny. :-D

I think knitting needles would be worse; those are sharp.


shagsthedustmop April 22 2006, 00:53:45 UTC
Ouch! Yes, knitting needles are deadly weapons. Are they banned from planes still?


eryn_ April 22 2006, 00:55:02 UTC
Nope. They're allowing almost everything on planes again.


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