Glee: We just hate atheists and agnostics, okay?

Oct 06, 2010 23:04

I think that a small portion of my f-listers are fans of Glee, and I know that a large portion of my f-listers have the same religious beliefs as I do. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE about Glee last night.

If you've followed the cut, please be aware that I am a strong atheist. Obviously, not everyone knows my religious background so here it is in a nutshell - I was raised in a Mormon town and when I was 10 I decided that my grandparents would love me if I got baptized into the Mormon church. Before, during, and after the process of getting baptized I knew I would regret it. I think that George from Dead Like Me really captured my exact feelings towards the whole god issue -

When I was little my mom told me Santa Claus didn't exist, neither did the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or the Great Pumpkin. Even though she didn't say so specifically, I just sort of assumed that God didn't either.

Shortly after being baptized I stopped going to church (not that I went at all before the whole fiasco, but yeah) and waited until I turned 18 so I could "officially" leave the church. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into my boring religious history, so let's continue on with the topic at hand - Glee sucks for me.

If you watched last night, you probably saw what I did. To break it down, a bad thing happens to a character's parent, said character is an atheist and all of the characters try and shove religion down this kid's throat, and even go to his father's hospital room to pray and sing WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION.

That kind of thing just completely disgusts me. Just...ugh. It was a very "Us vs. Them" episode and I really hated it. I don't know if I can enjoy the characters anymore because of how they acted in this one episode. Aaaaaaaargh.

I imagine this post makes no sense, but I think I've vented most of my coherent RAAAAAAAAAAAGE with fyrestar1, so this is just the leftover anger. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

religion, television, atheist rage

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