I should be sleeping but...

Sep 11, 2010 04:49

I had a long nap earlier and drank a giant rockstar, so it's 4:30am and I'm still awake. fyrestar1 will be here in about 4 hours for a ridiculous thing I signed up for (I will post about it after) so I should be sleeping, but cannot do so. It's been aaaaaages since I did a craft post, so I thought I would dump some awesome onto your face this morning.

crafty things under the cut )

talk to me tuesday, cross stitch, crafts, paper piecing

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Comments 14

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shaebay September 12 2010, 19:44:29 UTC
Oh yes, I've been getting way too much sleep now. :P


littlblackghost September 11 2010, 15:14:04 UTC


calypsobard September 11 2010, 15:21:53 UTC
love it all!!!
The TARDIS came out awesome! I can't wait to attempt it.


shaebay September 12 2010, 19:45:06 UTC
It is super easy. Lots of pieces, but it comes together really easily.


jolfolfille September 12 2010, 00:13:27 UTC
The TARDIS is awesome, omg. :D I like it when you post your crafty stuff!

I wanted to ask - who was the YouTuber you wanted to send the Home Sweet Home one to? Just curious, don't feel like you have to tell me if you don't want to. :D


shaebay September 12 2010, 19:47:33 UTC
Thank you. I really don't do enough posts here since I like to imagine everyone stalks me online and sees everything I upload, lol.

I was thinking about sending it to pogobat since he regularly shares his PO Box with the world, but then I was thinking one of the vlogbrothers (because I'm sure their PO box is somewhere), and another one I'd really like to send it to is wheezywaiter, but as far as I know he's never given a PO Box. I seem to have a fixation on hilarious male vloggers. :P


archerpren September 12 2010, 02:32:53 UTC
everything came out great the needle book is simply stellar!


shaebay September 12 2010, 19:47:42 UTC
Thank you!


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