Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2012 10:08

I have ushered the New Year in with a horrible cold and a fever. It sucks :(. I'm not a happy chappy and have spend most of the past two days either in bed or on the sofa staring at the TV.

Nevertheless, HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!

Btw, I'm useless writing comments for my flist at the moment. So will be silent for a few more days.

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Comments 8

xfirefly9x January 1 2012, 01:17:55 UTC
Sucky. Feel better soon!

HNY! :)


shadowserenity January 12 2012, 13:31:14 UTC
Thank you *squishes*


bel_baggins January 1 2012, 01:31:10 UTC
*offers some warm soup* At least the year can only get better, right? ;)


shadowserenity January 12 2012, 13:31:34 UTC
So true.

Thanks, Bel! *squishes you*


midnightwhisper January 1 2012, 02:15:10 UTC
Aw! I hope you feel better soon!


shadowserenity January 12 2012, 13:31:46 UTC
Thank you :).


on_the_ground January 1 2012, 16:32:20 UTC
Recover soon.. happy new year!! ;)


shadowserenity January 12 2012, 13:31:59 UTC
Thanks so much, darling :).


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