Fic: Longest. Day. Ever.

Sep 23, 2009 20:39

It's my posting day at Fall for S/X! I've just posted my story:

Longest. Day. Ever.Rating: Mature ( Read more... )

fic: longest day ever, fanfic, spike/xander, buffyverse

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Comments 5

reremouse September 24 2009, 06:20:53 UTC
I say if you're only going to write one thing in a calendar year, a thing like this is really really not a bad choice to go with. You gave me witty banter, in-character characters and a pretty awesome plotty plot too. I dunno about everyone else but I'm receiving it with unreserved Spander-lovin' joy. Someone else called it mesmerizing and I really have to agree there.

Oh yeah - and I'm answering here to let you know I friended you - y'know - on the off chance you write more any time in the future. Because this was just that awesome.


shapinglight September 24 2009, 09:12:59 UTC
Just to let you know, still not much of a Spander fan but there's no way I'd miss this.

Shall be reading later and looking forward to it enormously.


lorien_06_81 September 26 2009, 20:12:56 UTC
ohhh!!! I loved it, but I kind of want to know what happen to them afterwards (hint hint) ...sigh... guess I'll never know.

Very good.


Longest. Day. Ever. slimtonone99 November 2 2009, 23:27:09 UTC
Even non-S/X fans will love this story! What a delicate touch!


1_mad_squirrel November 12 2009, 19:54:45 UTC
Oh man, I thought I recognized your LJ name. You wrote "Chronicles of the Rebel Alliance"! No wonder this fic is so good!


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