Title: Finding the Way Home 2/?
Author: Jessi B.
Email: shadowrider@blomand.net
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13ish for some violence to giant ants
Pairing: Jack/Mickey
Summary: Giant ants and time-lag in this bit.
Notes: This is an AU set after The Christmas Invasion, which I just got to see. Still trying to get a feel for the characters.
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Comments 9
*smooch* Keep up the good work, Rocky.
*Rocky hugs tight and smooches back* We miss you!
Spotted a nit or two...
Despite himself Mickey smiled and was tempted by the idea, regardless of what he told Rose he wasn't much more then a hanger on in his old group now.
You wanted "...much more than a hanger-on..."
If you don't mind me asking, do you have a beta? If you'd like, I can offer my proofing services at the very least. There's a contact link on my LJ profile page, or just respond to this. Again, nice job!
I don't have a beta and thanks for the nit spotting :] *runs to correct* If you wouldn't mind putting up with me I'd love the help! (I just hope I don't send you running the other way.)
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