For every winner...

Apr 08, 2009 21:25

...there's a giant screaming asshole.

Oh no! The gays are trying to take away my rights! They're trying to make me DO MY JOB or introducing my kids to new ways of thought! We're gonna form a rainbow coalition to stop them! How dare they try to bring their values into my life--I called dibs on that shit centuries ago!!!

I hate scare tactics like ( Read more... )

i will destroy humanity, bitchy, doomnation, youtubed, rainbow-centerness, rant-tastic, linkmeister, on my high horse

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Comments 14

elenuial April 9 2009, 02:02:44 UTC
I double-dog dare you to go their website and read their talking points.


rgfgompei April 9 2009, 18:10:45 UTC
When I first saw this I went to their website to try to figure out what was meant by "But some who advocate for same sex marriage have not been content with same sex couples living as they wish. Those advocates want to change the way I live." I didn't find an answer but I did stumble on their "talking points." It hurt.


nightskyre April 9 2009, 02:28:27 UTC
You know, this really sucks for people like me too. First of all, I'm kind of aggravated at their pandering to different religious groups. I guess they figure they can't get the support they need by actually saying they belive in a certain truth. I mean, I know everyone who reads your lj would disagree with them anyway, but at least they'd be leaning on something.

That is, I suppose, one of the big issues I have with an organization like this (our Christian jargon would label it "parachurch"). Without having a governing authority by which to base their ideas on (other than, "This is how it was and so it should be this way") I see no real reason to view them legitimately.

Ugh, these people just bother me. Worse yet (for me), I'd guess even people who read my treatise on Prop 8 might think I'd go for something like this.



rgfgompei April 9 2009, 18:14:40 UTC
You have to give it to the extreme nutcases, they are good for uniting everyone else. (Ok, this ad may not be extreme enough for that). I remember when the WBC came to UNM to protest. The following weekend, the Campus Christians, the LBGT group and several other student groups had gotten together to organize a peace rally. Who else could have done that?


rgfgompei April 9 2009, 18:14:57 UTC
BTW, how've you been? :-)


nightskyre April 9 2009, 18:19:47 UTC
:smirk: Not bad. this pretty much describes my life right now.


pixelfish April 9 2009, 02:37:30 UTC
It always throws me when a group adopts an acronym I've associated with another group. (In this case, I'm used to NOM meaning New Order Mormons, who tend to be more liberal inclusive Mormons.)

The HRC has a quick takedown of this ad's talking points:


jendaby April 9 2009, 05:57:45 UTC
I saw this crap via a link on twitter this afternoon. They could have spent the money to pay for the actors, CGI, and advert slots feeding the homeless or helping those less fortunate. HOw can these people be so full of hate? :(


yuehrmah April 9 2009, 08:21:43 UTC
sent you an email, feel free to post what I sent...


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