Jul 28, 2008 23:45

Title: Separation
Author: iamshadow
Ship: Bill/Charlie
Word Count: 438
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild flavour of Weasleycest, but it's essentially fairly gen.
Summary: Bill is leaving Britain, and Charlie's response both is and isn't what he expects.
A/N: Happy Belated Birthday fluffyllama!You asked for 'anything slashy involving Bill Weasley and teasing'. Well, this ( Read more... )

bill/charlie, gift!fic

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Comments 20

fluffyllama July 28 2008, 14:31:54 UTC
Eeeeee! When you said quick, you weren't joking! *is in awe* Boy-kissing is definitely slashy to me, and brotherly as well here. And mmmmm, you even got a glancing blow in on my smoking kink there, and very nicely too.

Oh, Charlie. This is so, so lovely. Thank you!


shadowfiction July 28 2008, 14:41:29 UTC
I'm glad it was slashy enough! For me, this turned out far more brotherly than slashy, but it's right in that grey area between the two, if you know what I mean. I don't think that these two would ever go any further, I think Charlie just felt too much to express what was going on inside him with words alone. Though the kiss smacked of taboo, I think the feeling behind it was essentially fraternal more than incestuous, though as I said, right on the line between the two.

I didn't know you had a smoking kink! That was totally random. I've never written a character smoking before, but Charlie just wanted to, so he got his way. :D

It's been far too long since I felt inspired, so I'm talking full advantage of it! I've got another gift!fic and a drabble on the go as we speak. I'm milking this burst of creativity for all it's worth!

Happy Birthday!


fluffyllama July 28 2008, 14:48:36 UTC
Yes, I think the grey area is just as interesting if you get the emotion right, you know? And this really does. I love the little wrestle, and it's so easy to picture the kiss following on from that, neither of them maybe wanting to think about it beyonf the brotherly.

Mmm, I love smoking, it's my vicarious pleasure since giving up *g* I smoke one weekend a year on average, usually at a con, just to remind myself both why I like it and why I don't do it the rest of the year!

I definitely understand making the most of a burst of creativity -- will be taking a look to see what else you come up with! (Because I am never, never getting this far behind on my flist again. Ouch.)


shadowfiction July 28 2008, 14:54:23 UTC
If you want to have a look at what else I've written, everything's neatly laid out in my Masterlist (a truly daunting and infinitely useful thing). Stories are laid out by pairing and series rather than date published, and it's much easier than just going back through the entries.


(The comment has been removed)

shadowfiction July 28 2008, 15:44:01 UTC
Despite having so many younger siblings, Bill's always been Charlie's big brother, and has always been there for him. I imagine when Bill first went to Hogwarts, Charlie went through a similar mourning period. This is different to that, though, because not only is Bill leaving, but he's going to be independent, on a completely different continent, and he isn't going to be coming home every few months for the holidays, and Charlie won't be joining him in a year or two. It's not an end to their closeness, but it's a major change, and both of them will have to adjust to it. While Charlie's feeling it more now, I think Bill will feel it keener when he actually leaves. He's going to be away from his family for the first time. In a way that's very liberating, but in another way, I think he's going to be very lost and homesick for a while.

I think they both need hugs. And kisses. :)


knic26 July 28 2008, 15:43:39 UTC
Nice! I like the Brotherly love and hints at Brotherly Lurve...

Charlie is definitely going to miss Bill, and I think he just wanted to say that without saying it.


shadowfiction July 28 2008, 15:47:14 UTC
It does dance on that fine line between the two.

I think this was one occasion when kissing his big brother was less awkward and embarrassing than trying to put into words just how much he was going to miss him, and what Bill leaving was doing to him.


tree00faery July 28 2008, 16:52:50 UTC
This was so sweet! I love how naturally the wrestling bout turned into that sweet little kiss. *hugs them both*


shadowfiction July 28 2008, 16:56:37 UTC
The interaction between the two was so emotionally charged that it was easy to write the kiss as a natural extension of it.


hpuckle July 28 2008, 17:41:53 UTC

They're just so easy to love. I love how this walks a fine line between brotherly and slashy. I really think it must have been hard for Charlie when Bill left :(



shadowfiction July 29 2008, 10:17:42 UTC
It would have been really difficult, because sudden he's thrust into Bill's role - that of the eldest sibling. And when you've got five younger siblings, that's not an easy position!

Also, they've probably been talking for years about 'escaping' the Burrow and travelling to far-away places, and suddenly, Bill's actually doing it, while Charlie still has another year to go at Hogwarts. He's stuck at home with the 'kids' while Bill's off in Egypt. There'd be a fair bit of hurt there. Suddenly, those two years difference in age mean a lot.


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