Nov 25, 2007 01:09

Title: Vocabulary
Author: iamshadow
Ship: Ron/Harry
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG
Warnings: Baby talk. Corruption of minors. Oh so sickeningly sweet. May induce nausea and vomiting.
Summary: Teddy Lupin turns one.
A/N: A little scene from Teddy's party. Towards the end of April. I thought this would be too long to be a drabble but not long enough for a proper chapter, and I was right. But I'll call it a chapter anyway, for ease of cataloguing.

The Teapot 'verse Series
Chapter List HERE

Future Fics HERE

Teapot Cookie Fics HERE

“’Oo’s the big boy? ’Oo’s Uncle Ronnie’s big boy? ’Oo’s my Sunshine?”

I watch with a kind of perplexed amusement as my lover loses all grasp on the English language in the presence of a toddler.

“’Oo izzy? Yes!” Ron crows when golden-haired Teddy Lupin points a chubby finger at himself. “Teddy’s Uncle Ronnie’s big birthday boy!” Teddy chortles and bounces in Ron’s large Keeper’s hands, clapping his own chubby palms together in absolute glee.

Ron drops to a confiding tone. “Now, Teddykins, listen to Ronnie. Say ‘bollocks’.”

“Are you corrupting my godson?” I ask, in a dry, sardonic tone I think Remus himself would have been proud of.

“No,” Ron says, unashamedly. “It’s educational. Teddy? ‘Bollocks’.”

“I’m pretty sure I can challenge you to a duel over that.” I say, lazily, too full to move after Molly and Andromeda’s party food and too many glasses of celebratory mead. “It’s written somewhere, some wizarding law. Hermione showed me.”

“Bollocks,” says Ron, disbelievingly.

“Bo-ox,” says Teddy Lupin clearly.

“Now you’ve done it,” I say with dismay.

Ron has never looked prouder.

Andromeda chooses that moment to cross the room and cluck over her grandson.

“Teddy just said a new word!” Ron declares with parental enthusiasm and complete innocence.

“Bo-ox,” Teddy chirps angelically, beaming up at his grandmother with a toothy grin.

I hold my breath, waiting for the explosion. Instead Andromeda’s face expresses nothing but delight. “Who’s my clever boy! That’s right! ‘Box!’ ”


Andromeda gives Teddy a gentle pat on the cheek and a kiss and goes back to circulating amongst the guests.

Ron gives me a cheeky grin. I shake my head.

“You’re lucky she didn’t know what he was really saying,” I say grimly. “Otherwise she would have had your -”

“Bo-ox?” Teddy says enquiringly, his brow furrowed.

“Exactly,” I conclude.

Ron flashes me his most winning smile.

“Smug bastard.”

Teddy cocks his head. “Ba-ud?”

“No,” I say desperately. “Please. Not that one. Your grandmother will kill me.”


Ron raises an eyebrow and looks like the Kneazle that got the cream. “Now who’s the bad influence?”

<- 24. Discomposure c@r 26. Accusation ->

pg, ron/harry

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