Disenchanted, Master Post

May 17, 2012 03:49

Title: Disenchanted
Author: shadowfaxy
Artist: dun
Beta: stellarfuzz
Type: Wing Fic
Word Count: 9,495
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dark Adam/Light Adam
Warnings: sexual content, a bit of violent imagery, strong language
Summary: Adam’s feeling a little lost until he meets himself. Oh, and he sprouts a pair of wings.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Link to art master post: Here

Acknowledgments: Written for cockbertbigbang and I would like to thank the mods and everyone participating there for getting me back into writing ;) Thanks to my perfect beta stellarfuzz who rescued me and made this story infinitely better. And to my artist dun who made the most incredible art for my story. You should go tell her how brilliant and talented she is here.


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