Title: every inch the warrior Fandom: The Avengers (film) Pairing: Loki/Clint Rating: NC17 [dubious consent] Warning: This story contains a sexual situation in which one participant is incapable of giving consent
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Oh, Loki is so very desperate for this, isn't he? I love how hard he's looking for this being Clint's willing submission, instead of something forced by the Tesseract. It doesn't even matter if it is Clint's will, Loki so very badly wants it to be, absolving himself just enough, layering just enough blame onto his victim to insist that what he's doing is ok. This is perfect rapist mentality, and I love how you've captured it here, even filtered through God-think. Very well done!
I think you've said it exactly right, and I think this is Loki's perception of humanity put into practice. I mean, he straight up says it: "You crave subjugation", not allowing that it's the choice to kneel that makes it meaningful.
agh. I am not awake enough to be properly coherent, but yes. Thank you. :)
Comments 4
I think you've said it exactly right, and I think this is Loki's perception of humanity put into practice. I mean, he straight up says it: "You crave subjugation", not allowing that it's the choice to kneel that makes it meaningful.
agh. I am not awake enough to be properly coherent, but yes. Thank you. :)
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