How long is too long to send out Thank You cards for a wedding gift?
Is the standard really 1 year now? Because that seems insane. How do you keep track of stuff that long? Wouldn't you just want to get it out of the way ASAP?
I'm just asking because I'm seriously wondering if my card fell off a gift I gave at a wedding.
The movie Swordfish is so awful. And I have a hard time with it because Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, and Don Cheadle are all great. But this movie is so bad. It doesn't even make it in the realm of campy hacker movie
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Dan Savage was on The Colbert Report. I squeed in delight. I've been catching up on The Savage Love podcast in all the interstate driving. It passes the time well.
Also, I <3 Journeyman. Perhaps just because of the pretties to look at.
I'm watching this new TV show Chuck. It is kind of terrible and inaccesible. Also, not funny. They try to do this Dark City-esque memory sequence, but it doesn't work in the context of the show.
I had a dream about an Ex. One from ages ago. It ended badly. There have been too many boys since then, so I don't know why I was dreaming about this one
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Today was the first day of the dodgeball tournament at the fitness center at work. It was amazing. I had a rough day and I got to throw balls as hard as I possibly could
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