Life after love [fic]

Jun 26, 2009 10:43

Title: Life after love
Author: shadowbyrd
Rating: PG - 13
Prompt: 14. I'm awake and you're breathing for un_love_you
Word Count: 3126
Pairing(s): Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Owen, Jack/Gwen
Summary: Take things for granted and they will be taken from you.

It takes surprisingly little time for a person’s life to unravel. )

gwen/rhys, jack/gwen, 21, fic, torchwood, torchwood fic, un_love_you, jack/ianto

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Comments 12

adjovi July 28 2009, 18:46:24 UTC
oh, i think your characterization is spot on here, actually. i liked this bit quite a lot:

Once she realises there’s no one to keep it a secret from she gives up all pretence, stops avoiding Owen and just carries on, ignoring the significant looks that are flying around.

this is nicely done. would very much like to have seen this *instead*.


shadowbyrd July 29 2009, 19:20:02 UTC
would very much like to have seen this *instead*.

Hm. I'm in two minds about that; while I absolutely adore Rhys, the one thing that really annoys me about Gwen's story is that she doesn't lose anything (permanently) to Torchwood the way the others do. Particularly unlikely/nonsensical when you think that she's got far and away the most to lose.

I'm so glad this worked for you - as I say, my characterisation worried me a bit, especially in light of series three.


adjovi July 29 2009, 19:24:09 UTC
Hm. I'm in two minds about that; while I absolutely adore Rhys, the one thing that really annoys me about Gwen's story is that she doesn't lose anything (permanently) to Torchwood the way the others do. Particularly unlikely/nonsensical when you think that she's got far and away the most to lose.

yup--me too. i love rhys, but why does gwen always seem to get the free pass? i want her to actually lose something for a change, instead of getting to be all badass AND have all the toys at the end. bit lopsided.


adjovi July 29 2009, 19:24:42 UTC
but, it should be said, i really DO like gwen as well. i liked them all.


davidsgirl8414 July 28 2009, 18:56:58 UTC
That was great poor gwen losing rhys love how she goes thru this all


shadowbyrd July 29 2009, 19:22:01 UTC
Thanks, I'm hapy you enjoyed it!


canaana July 29 2009, 01:23:07 UTC
I think your characters are quite good. I'd be curious to see more of this--where she goes from here as she goes on.


shadowbyrd July 29 2009, 19:37:42 UTC
That's good to hear. It's taken me a pathetically long time to work up the nerve to post this.

I'd not really given any thought to it, but it would certainly be interesting to work out :)


jo02 July 29 2009, 12:11:28 UTC
I always enjoy your work, as there's usually a slight bitey edge to it, and this was no exception.
I think your portrayal of Gwen is spot-on, as well as the others.

I'm curious to know who was walking through the door of the cafe, because, depending on who it is, the story can go off in any number of different directions, and I too would love to see where you and Gwen would take this.


shadowbyrd July 29 2009, 20:28:02 UTC
Thank you! I can't tell you how happy that makes me! I was rather paranoid about how I wrote her.

I haven't thought about it, but it would be interesting to see where it would go.


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