Fic: Why: PG

Sep 07, 2009 17:36

Title: Why
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pre-slash
Prompt: Shamelessly written for a prompt on my BDT for fanfic100. Prompt 80: Why?
Words: 547
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they are not mine. No money, no malice, and I return them unharmed when I’m done.
Spoilers: The Fast and The Furious
Summary: He’d asked, because it was Brian.
Notes: Feedback, comments and criticism most welcome.


It was always about Brian as far as Dom was concerned.

From the moment the blond had come into his life there had always been something about him that drew Dom to him. Mia would have said that it was the other way around - that Brian was drawn to him - he’d even overheard her tell Brian once that Dom owned him, which was laughable. If anything, Brian owned Dom and Dom had been drawn to him. Or maybe it worked both ways. Dom wasn’t certain. All he knew for sure was that Brian had become such an important part of his life, in such a short time, that it if he thought about it too hard, it took his breath away. And Dom had been thinking it a lot. Thinking about Brian too much: especially since the highway.

When Brian had handed him the keys to the supra, and he’d driven off, only to turn back before he’d even made it a block, to find Brian just staring right ahead as he’d walked towards his fate. Whatever fate it might be.

Dom knew then, when he’d seen the look in Brian’s eyes as he pulled the car alongside him, that it was right to ask, so he did.

“Come with me Bri,” he’d said. And Brian had. No hesitation, no questions. He just got in the car. Dom had never asked why.

Letty and Leon were long gone, with Dom’s blessing - they were better of out it, and Letty was far from stupid - she instinctively knew that something had shifted between her and Dom, and Dom and Brian - something that neither of them could really control, and she accepted it, to Dom’s surprise, with something akin to understanding.

It had taken a while for Dom to accept the fact that Brian had completely given up what he had of a life in order to come with him, and he knew that if he hadn’t asked, the life that Brian would have now would be so much different than this. If it would be better or worse, Dom didn’t know. But it would be different.

Still Dom was wondering why after all this time he’d never asked Brian that one question that haunted him. Why? An open-ended why... Why had he offered him the keys? Why did he get in the car? Why was he still here? Why....

If he turned it round and asked himself why he’d asked Brian to get in the car and come with him that day, he knew without a doubt what the answer was, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept.

He’d asked, because it was Brian.

Because Brian had become everything to him...

Brian was more important than the team, more important than those ten seconds of freedom Dom cherished so much. Freedom that he’d been offered along with those keys. But Brian was freedom. Freedom to feel, freedom to love, freedom to just be... Brian was everything Dom wanted and all he ever needed, all neatly rolled up in a package that just happened to be male.

And that was the problem.

Dom had never thought about any other man the way he found himself thinking about Brian.

And it scared the crap out of him.

slash, fanfic100, brian/dom, the fast & the furious, dom/brian, fic

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