FIC: Sorted: NC17

Aug 24, 2009 13:21

Title: Sorted
Fandom: The Fast and The Furious
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash
Words: 1264
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they are not mine. No money, no malice, and I return them unharmed when I’m done.
Spoilers: Fast and Furious
Summary: And Brian thought, maybe this was how it was supposed to be all along, and maybe he did have it sorted after all.
Notes: Feedback, comments and criticism most welcome.

He thought he’d had it sorted. When Dom had asked him if he still left milk and cookies out for Santa, Brian had had an inkling they were being played, but after all of it - his testimony, bringing Braga’s operation down - Brian had honestly thought they stood a chance in keeping Dom out of Lompoc. When he’d heard the words in the courtroom, they’d hurt him more than anything that he’d ever imagined would. Twenty-five to life with no possibility of early parole was just not an acceptable outcome for all the shit they’d been through. He knew before he’d even left the building that he had to do something. He had to protect the man he’d come to think of as everything.

When he’d told Mia and the guys what he had planned, he’d expected a fight, or at least a logical argument that what he was planning was insane, but all he got was acceptance and agreement. They’d planned it down to T, having only 48 hours before Dom’s transfer to the high security unit, and Brian knew that once they’d started the “rescue” plan, there was no going back. He didn’t plan on going back.

The fact that the escape had gone more smoothly than he’d hoped only cemented Brian’s feeling that he was doing the right thing. And when Dom was off the bus and in the charger with him, he knew he had. They’d met up with Mia at a rest stop on the way to Mexico, and Brian had left her and Dom to say their goodbyes. He didn’t need to be there - it would probably be years before it was safe enough for her to even pick up the phone to say hi to her brother. When they were done, she’d come to him and simply kissed him on the cheek, and told him to take care. Everything they needed was already waiting for them across the border - they just had to get there.

Dom had slid into the passenger seat almost like a stranger - the horrid orange jumpsuit replaced with black slacks and a white tee - courtesy of Mia. When they hit the border, Dom still hadn’t spoken to him, and Brian was on edge, but again, they’d crossed over without a hitch and Brian had said a silent prayer of thanks. As night fell, they’d stopped at a motel, and Dom had followed him into the room without question. It was only once they were inside that the shit had hit the fan and Brian found himself wrestled to the floor by a very pissed off, very angry-looking Dom.

“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at O’Conner? What the fuck are you doing? You stupid, crazy, fucking idiot!”

Not for the first time, Brian wished he’d have been able to come up with a quick retort, but the sight of Dom kneeling over him, looking down at him like that, and the feel of Dom pressed against him just so, drove all coherence from him. “I just... I thought... I couldn’t...”

He was gaping like a fish, and Dom’s anger receded, and he broke out into a laugh. The low chuckle vibrated through Brian’s body and headed straight to his groin, which twitched. Brian rolled his eyes, and hoped to all that was Holy that Dom hadn’t felt it. But Dom pressed harder onto him, and Brian thought he’d lose it right there and come in his trousers, and the thought must’ve played across his face like it was a book, because Dom moaned, and before Brian knew it, he was being kissed like he’d never been kissed before. And he was kissing back, like his life depended on it.

When Dom let his arms go, and lifted him off the floor, Brian didn’t protest. Instead, he wrapped his legs around Dom’s waist, his arms around his shoulders, and just went with it, and the passion just intensified from there. T-shirts were lost somewhere between the floor and the bed, though Brian could’ve sworn blind that Dom hadn’t stopped kissing him long enough to do that, and once they’d hit the bed, he was just covered in Dom, who was just torturing him everywhere with his mouth and hands, and Brian felt like he was on fire.

Dom stopped and Brain moaned, only to realise that he was just getting more naked, and his shoes and jeans were stripped off, and then there was just him and Dom and skin and fuck, Dom’s cock was just as hard as his, and they were grinding against each other and then Dom was moving down his chest and biting and nibbling and oh shit, licking him just there, breath ghosting across his cock as Dom sucked hard on his inside thigh, traced his tongue over Brian’s balls and then holy fuck, his cock was surrounded in the sweet wet heat of Dom’s mouth, and before he could think he was chanting Dom’s name and Dom moved off him, and he was coming and coming and coming.

Then Dom was moving again, sliding against him, Dom’s hard cock against his softening one, and damn if it wasn’t the hottest fucking thing Brian had ever seen as Dom rubbed his hand in Brian’s come, slicked his cock with it, before lifting Brian’s leg over his shoulder and pressing a coated finger against his hole. And Dom was looking at him, his eyes half lidded, and dark with want and passion and lust, and something else that Brian couldn’t place and Brian just nodded and gasped as Dom thrust his finger inside him.

All Brian’s pre-conceptions about gay sex flew out the window as Dom added another finger and twisted and found that spot just there that had his cock twitching back to life, and all manner of expletives flowing from his tongue, before he was openly begging Dom for more and begging him to fuck him into oblivion.

And then there it was again, that sight that Brian would die for as Dom slicked his cock again, and Dom was over and above him, leaning down and taking his mouth as he slid his cock agonisingly slowly into Brian’s ass. He hissed from the pressure and Dom stopped, and Brian thought he was going to pull back, stop altogether, and shook his head, thrust his hips up Dom’s and let out an almighty groan to match Dom’s as he took all of Dom’s cock into him, and Dom just stared at him, eyes wide and dark and Brian couldn’t say anything, couldn’t feel anything except for Dom inside him, over him and around him and then Dom moved.

With each thrust, Dom moaned - Brian and God and tight and good and waited too long - and Brian just answered with Dom and please and yes and more and fuck-yes, and Dom’s fingers pinned his hips down to the bed hard enough to bruise and Brian didn’t care, just wanted more of Dom inside him, wanted more of Dom everywhere, and then Dom just plastered himself against Brian and screamed, and bit into Brian’s shoulder, and Brian felt liquid heat inside him, felt Dom’s hand move between them and squeeze his cock just there, and he came again.

Then he was being kissed again, and Dom was smiling, and calling him crazy and insane, and telling him that he was stuck with him. And Brian thought, maybe this was how it was supposed to be all along, and maybe he did have it sorted after all.

slash, brian/dom, the fast & the furious, dom/brian, fic

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