(a brief) contemplation - steve finnan/daniel agger

Apr 27, 2007 20:08

ok so this one is sort of for 
in_the_shadows7 who wanted steve finnan/daniel agger and i did use the prompt she gave me in the fic but oh god; im not sure this is really good enough to be a fufilled request =/  its a few prompts i nicked off 
10_prompts  for inspiration (they are bolded) and really is just a few drabbles strung together with no connection. anyway here;

(a brief) contemplation
steve finnan/daniel agger | R | 800 words | a few short drabbles. sort of.

(a brief) contemplation


Fortress Anfield they call it. He’d read about it before, about legendary nights and of a crowd that could make a chill run through anyway; the excitement, the fear, the sheer beauty of it all. (Love for football, and love for a person is not all that different; Daniel contemplates. Because while there are many different types of love; they all equate to one thing.)

Daniel feels the same way he did when he first kissed a girl, the first time he walks out at Anfield. The grass crunches under his boots, tells of a cold February night and he feels his muscles tense and taut as the anxiety takes hold.

His heart starts beating faster, and his breath catches in his lungs that few seconds longer than it should as he looks up the crowd as it reaches its crescendo of their beloved anthem.

He smiles, contented, please when it is all over and realizes the journey has only just begun.

simple things

Daniel enjoys the simple things in life; contrary to what people would believe to be their lifestyle. He likes the smell of coffee in the morning, remembers waking up to it all the time back home when he was younger and when his mother still wasn’t sure if it was safe to be feeding her precious Daniel caffeine.

He’d walk in on her singing, humming happily to herself and set the mug down in front of him quietly, winked and made a quiet gesture as she pointed down the hall to the room in which his sleeping father lay.

There are things that seem meaningless and pointless to anyone else who has not experienced them; he wishes he could take photographs, lock the memories away in boxes so no one else could see such perfection.

He likes the way Steve’s arm fits perfectly round his waist as he lays against him on the sofa in his living room, which can barely contain one of them.

Or the way he always slurps his tea in the morning with foggy eyes and hair stuck up in all directions. (“What’s so fucking funny?” Daniel loves the sound of Steve’s voice in the morning, thick with fatigue and that brief annoyance.)

“What are you smiling at?”

Steve reaches over just then, and places his hand into Daniel’s and presses his fingers down into the spaces between Daniel’s own.

(Daniel loves. He loves.)


Steve shifts beneath him, winces again and makes that quiet almost whimpering sound that barely squirms from between his lips.

Daniel smiles as he leans down, sweeps his lips over Steve’s voice box and feels the gentle buzz of satisfaction beneath the skin.

He moves gently, ever so slightly at first and feels Steve relax around as he slowly builds his pace.

Steve smiles and his head lolls to side, his cheek flushed and rosy against the whiteness of the pillow. He moans into it as Daniel presses deeper inside him, bites even at the material.

Daniel fingers find their way into his hair, tugs gently to bring the other man’s head back to his own and stares into eyes that tell so much more than words ever could, striking green ablaze with lust and passion, and. Love.

Steve comes. Loudly, groaning incoherently in Daniel’s ear as his back arches off the mattress and up into the body of his lover.

Daniel listens, eyes closed and takes in everything as the words pass his ears like a sweet symphony, music and notes flowing from swollen lips.


Daniel watches intently in the mirror as Steve runs long fingers over his back, he closes his eyes at the soft touches over the lightly raised skin and remembers the stories from the ink on his back. Can still feel the sting as Steve presses his lips there.

Steve’s body is immaculate, nothing to tell of the crunching tackles or the nasty cuts or breaks that comes with their profession. Daniel knows though; that his soul is a different matter.

He sees the pain hidden behind everything, can practically see the wall built across Steve’s mind when he looks in his eyes, (though he hasn’t worked out yet; whether its to keep something in. Or keep something (someone) out.)

But he doesn’t say anything; just waits. Smiles when he sees the nervous flinch of Steve’s shoulders and the frown on his forehead and places a hand on his should; an “its ok.” And all is right.

(And Steve does tell him. One day.

It’s awkward and they smile, and Steve blushes but there is Daniel again with that hand on his shoulder, lips against his and -

“I didn’t know you were so complicated.”)


There are people that say love is the scariest thing, the most frightening feeling in the world - Daniel dares to disagree; thinks if this is fear he would happily spend his life afraid.

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shadow_prose  for more of my fic/fic updates
+ feel free to leave a prompt/request here. or any AU prompts here

steve finnan, *r, daniel agger

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