Fic: The Movement of Language (3)

Mar 16, 2012 17:51

Title: The Movement of Language
Characters/Pairings: USUK(/US), ensemble (mentioned SuFin, NethCan, Frain, very mild GerIta, AusHun, DenNor, Romano->Belgium and past SpUK)
Rating: T - mild language

Summary: In a hypothetical experiment, a student takes reactant A (one grumpy English teacher) and mixes it with reactant B (one enthusiastic Physics ( Read more... )

[fandom] hetalia, [fics], [fic] the movement of language

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Comments 4

zinkini March 17 2012, 06:50:41 UTC
Oh my, You write US/UK.

Excuse me while I run off to read this whole fic properly from the beginning.


koosei June 17 2012, 22:21:39 UTC

preeeeetty pleeeeease? anonymous July 7 2012, 03:45:10 UTC
please oh my goodness PLEASE update this fic!!! i'm bloody head over heels for this. best teacher!AU i've, dare i say it, ever encountered.

bitte, bitte, bitte. ich würde dich immer lieb haben!


ubermidget November 3 2012, 01:40:04 UTC
I love the way you write Francis and Arthur's "friendship", their dysfunctional banter fits so well! The prank that Arthur retaliated against Alfred with is hilarious! I've spent much of reading your chapters giggling and thoroughly enjoying myself, I'm really looking forward to reading more of the chapters! :D


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