Fic: Lumos

Sep 16, 2011 01:52

Title: Lumos
Characters: France/England (Francis/Arthur), strongly implied relationship
Rating: T - for language and the usual threats where these two are involved, mentions of blood and death in nightmare
Summary: France wakes up suddenly from a nightmare and England soothes him back to sleep with a fantasy adventure story. Initial laughter until ( Read more... )

[fandom] hetalia, [fics]

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Comments 5

archangelunmei September 16 2011, 04:36:25 UTC

Shacha. If you found that faerie tale somewhere, I commend your research skills. If you spun it up in your head, then I think your brain must be the second most beautiful thing in the world.

And also, *Shudders* France has nightmares of war and mud. How did you know my headcanon?


shadow_of_egypt September 16 2011, 21:09:05 UTC
The faerie tale's mine - but it's the abbreviated version of my original idea. ;;; I ran a little short on time to write out the full idea, so whittled it down to the basics. (The original had a bit of a happier ending for the lordling, aside from just a moral/life lesson.)

And - and mud just seems to be something universal for the French? I mean, I was just thniking of what could upset a Nation, and a person-who-is-a-Nation, and people seem to fear war, and strife and death. And for a Nation, it'd have to be mass death. French land being torn up during the world wars was emphasised time and time again, and earlier history had the land divided between powers as well. And. Yeah. Maybe we should just declre parts of our heads shared territory?


lost_hitsu September 16 2011, 07:44:13 UTC
This was so utterly beautiful.

I really don't know what to say, you have such a way with words, creating magic so powerful that any of my attempts to express how much I loved it are failing.

(excuse please the sentimental moment but I have a terrible weakness for fairytales and also train rides.)

Do you plan to make your own tumblr post with this so I can reblog? If not I hope you don't mind if I post the link as a fanfic recommendation.


shadow_of_egypt September 16 2011, 21:12:06 UTC
Thank you. ♥ I...I have a terrible weakness for faerie tales and myths and legends too, sometimes it's a case of shutting me up that's the biggest problem. ;;; And trains. Trains at night-time, when it's quiet, and the sound of going over the tracks sounds just like a heartbeat and it's all dark outside.


vemela December 5 2011, 00:18:38 UTC
This was an absolute delight to read. Simply beautiful.


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