Fic: Ever After (10.2)

Oct 18, 2009 01:06

Title: Ever After
Characters/Pairings: Characters abound from the multiverse, and if you think you spot a pairing, it’s probably there. 
Rating: T
Summary: ‘Fairytale’ is a very trying place. Children get abandoned; loves fall under evil spells, and various members of royal families get abducted on an almost regular basis. Even with a witch on-hand ( Read more... )

[fics], [fic] ever after, [fandom] xxxholic, [fandom] cardcaptor sakura, [fandom] tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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Comments 6

youkohiei_fan October 18 2009, 03:25:05 UTC
*sparkles at new chapter* Great as always, which is even more so that we get to see Kurogane~

Also I may have to make some FuumaxMokona icons now...


shadow_of_egypt October 19 2009, 00:03:46 UTC
And now he has a pissy angel, a takoyaki-mourning lion, and a sparkly Sakura to deal with. X3 Isn't his life grand?

Please do~~!! If you can, try looking up the art Nekoi drew - Fuuma's in white and Mokona has flowers in her...ears. It's very cute. ^^


demi_rabbit October 18 2009, 04:05:36 UTC
Ahhhhh! This chapter was just lovely!! -throws hearts at- I'm adoring each and every character interaction!! I literally applauded when Syaoran saved Watanuki, and hissed when Seishirou mentally-molested Fai! <3

Grah, I am loving this fic!! Much, much love and kudos and...It's slightly odd, but your author's note makes me wonder...has anyone ever shipped Fumma and Mokona...? o.0

XDDDD Again, many kudos, and looking forward to more of your writings~!


shadow_of_egypt October 19 2009, 00:05:45 UTC
Glad you liked and - yes. Yes, Fuuma has been shipped with Mokona. Everyone has been shipped with Mokona. (Kurokona in particular is made of win and joy and delicious crack.)


maijame October 18 2009, 22:29:01 UTC
I've read it. I approve and am deliriously pleased with this chapter. But I need sleep. Uni starts in 7 hours, which is just barely enough to last me the whole day, considering I need a ridiculously large amout of time every night to actually fall asleep. Like...two hours. Anyway, not your concern.^^

So I'll write more concerning this utterly delectable piece of fanfiction later on. Maybe much later. But this chapter deserves some more detailed response, to explain exactly WHY I love it so.

Good Night for now!


shadow_of_egypt October 19 2009, 00:19:05 UTC
Oooh, university. My classes start at nine, which means I need to be up about seven to get there on time,'s currently past one right now? Hm... Good thing I've taught myself to live on little sleep just recently. ^^;;

....Sleep well!! *cursing the fact LJ alerts are down for her*


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