Title: We Go Ever Onwards
Characters/Pairings: KuroFai, SySak, others mentioned
Rating: T
Summary: The journey goes on.
A/N: Another instalment in the Nihon series, the first chronologically in the series. Set prior to their reaching Nihon (again, and for the final time), shortly after the epilogue’s end. DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU’VE READ THE EPILOGUE.
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Comments 25
And I think that sums up most of my feelings for this fic as a whole. Utter win, and Hogwarts or not, this is *exactly* what happened after the epilogue. I love the idea of Fai being quite capable of opening a window to another dimension instead of just moving from one to another, and I love the idea that he would do so quite cheerfully to talk to Sakura whenever the mood struck him. That makes me happier about the fact that she doesn't get to go along.
So, uh. This is canon now and ILU?
*happily adds the love to her love jar and watches it sparkle* My nightlight~~~
This was soo wonderful. (And so very canon) I loved it. And them going to Hogwarts = yes.
You brought back that warm fuzziness I felt after I finished the epilogue and for that I applaud you.
Glad you got the fuzziness? X3
LOVELY! It was an adorable fiction to follow the series, and exactly what I hoped would happen to Kurogane and Fai! <3 You are magnificent!!
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