
Feb 28, 2008 12:53

All the reason I ever needed NOT to vote for Obama.

Dude, you're not the Messiah. And acting like you are only makes you worse than Dubya. He's an egotistical, self-important, moron. And even he had the sense not to go there.

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Comments 12

attitude_issues February 28 2008, 18:18:48 UTC
Massive word.

If we think Dubya is a terrible president, I weep for this country if Obama is elected. *seriously considers moving to Canada if elected*

PS. No one should vote for a presidential candidate because f'ing Oprah Winfrey tells you to. /rant


zuzubailey76 February 28 2008, 19:00:38 UTC
I completely agree with you, and I love your icon.


shadow_diva February 28 2008, 19:06:50 UTC
No kidding. And I can't stand Oprah.

And oi, Hell-J didn't e-mail me your comment, so I didn't even know it was here until it was replied to. *sigh*


jesshelga February 28 2008, 20:12:19 UTC
I'm confused: that blog is run by someone else, not Obama or Obama's campaign. Right?


shadow_diva February 29 2008, 06:27:25 UTC
I sure as hell hope it's not run by him. Oi.


caderyn February 29 2008, 00:21:14 UTC
You don't have to tell me if you don't want to (I know some people are sensitive about this), but who do you support for President?

This is a totally non-judgmental question, since I'm neither American nor in any way attached to Obama... I'm just curious because I think, outside of the States, the most sympathetic coverage has been predominantly for Obama...


shadow_diva February 29 2008, 06:30:20 UTC
I'm on the fence about who I will support. At this point, I just keep ruling people out, so I can tell you who I don't support. That'd be Obama, and all the Republicans. I liked Edwards and Richardson, but they're out of the race. I'm still on the fence about Hilary, but if it came down to her or Obama, I'd go with her. I think I'm more likely to actually get some health insurance with her healthcare plan than Obama's. And that's kind of a big deal, seeing as I blew almost $2400 on dental bills since January of this year.


_fullofgrace February 29 2008, 05:06:43 UTC
This presidential year is one where I seriously don't know who to vote for cause no one seems like the obvious choice for me. I guess anything is better than what we have now though.


shadow_diva February 29 2008, 06:31:40 UTC
I'm in the same boat. But I hesitate to say anything is better. It can't get much worse than it is now, but a little worse is still worse.


_fullofgrace March 1 2008, 18:07:48 UTC
You make a very good point. It sucks cause I kinda liked Edwards, but then he dropped out and now it's just a media circus between Clinton and Obama.


shadow_diva March 1 2008, 19:35:08 UTC
Edwards was my choice too. But given what's left, I'd take Hilary over Obama any day. Her healthcare plan seems like I'd actually get some benefit, and I think she'd probably bring in a lot of Clinton's old advisors for things like foreign policy. If Madeline Albright were still Secretary of State, we wouldn't be in the foreign policy mess we're in right now, IMO.


irishlissa March 1 2008, 00:42:51 UTC
I can't stand Obama. If Hillary wins the nomination I'll vote for her; otherwise I'm voting Republican (McCain.)


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