Visiting Hour (RP for Magneto)

Feb 05, 2008 19:09

It was Tony who got her in to see Magneto -- albeit, reluctantly. He was being held in a mysterious federal installation, not a SHIELD facility at all. ( Jean and the proverbial undisclosed location. . . )

tony, magneto, rp

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tm_magneto February 6 2008, 16:42:56 UTC
"Hey, Lehnsherr. You have a visitor."

Erik looked up as his guard, Agent Fielding, walked into his cell. Fielding walked with perfect posture. Erik perversely wanted the man to slouch.

He also hated the sudden rush of excitement he felt at the prospect of talking to someone who wasn't his blue-eyed, utterly polite prison guard. Fielding was not the world's best conversationalist, and Erik was beginning to suspect they were denying him intelligent conversation as a way to break his will. He also hated to admit it might be working.

"Do I? How remarkable. I didn't think that was possible." Erik stood and turned away, hating the sight of Fielding and his impeccably-shined black boots. "Who is it?"

He refused to hope it was Lorna ( ... )


tm_magneto February 22 2008, 17:36:20 UTC
Erik sighed. "Whatever answer I would give, you would not believe. And I have now made you angry, when you were kind enough to visit. Is this the conversation you came to have with me? Questioning my motives, my beliefs? You should have read the article in Newsweek." His voice was faintly derisive.


shadeof_grey February 22 2008, 17:43:28 UTC
"I came here to see if I anything could actually get you to come off your damn talking points. I should have known. You've been spewing the same blather for years with nothing to back it up. You really are just an over-the-hill old windbag."

She turned on her heel and waved her hand. "Guards? I'm ready to leave."


tm_magneto February 22 2008, 17:52:42 UTC
"You'll pardon me if I do not dissolve into self-pity and apologize for my convictions, Miss Grey. I won't lie and tell you that I don't have regrets. But I don't think you came here because you wanted to change your mind about me, so I fail to see the point in discussing it."

Erik stared at her back. He said quietly, "Thank you for visiting me, Jean." He was loathe for her to leave, because for the first time, he had felt like himself. Like Erik, and Magneto.

He did not want her to leave.


shadeof_grey February 22 2008, 17:58:26 UTC
"Blowing people up because you think it's the only way people will listen to you is not acting on your convictions, Erik. It's throwing a temper tantrum. Guard?"

They were taking a long damn time.


tm_magneto February 22 2008, 18:04:38 UTC
"It has been the only way I have ever found that works," he said quietly. "I spoke on Providence to an assemblage of press and people with the power to affect actual change for the betterment of mutants. And did it happen? Of course not. I could--and have--argued and spoken until my voice has faltered, and it has never done a damn thing for anyone. And what have Charles' merry men accomplished, you among them? There is still talk of registration. There is still the Friends of Humanity. Perhaps I'm not doing a damn bit of good, but neither is anyone else."


*rethreading* shadeof_grey February 23 2008, 00:58:31 UTC
Jean heard the guard start to open the door, but she whirled back to face Magneto. "With all due respect, sir. . .You can either climb up on that cross talking about how you've stuck to your convictions, or you can tell me that you've been forced into your actions because no one would listen to you. But those can't both be true. If you were really a man of conviction, you wouldn't let the world force your hand."

She breathed deeply. "And frankly, it takes some damn nerve for you to sit there and belittle the efforts of X-Corp -- the organization that your supposedly old dear friend started -- when it's perfectly clear you have no idea what we do. We've been educating mutants for years; we've given aid and support to mutants and former mutants around the world; we were part of the legal effort that exempted mutants from the Superhuman Registration act -- AND we managed to do all that despite having to defend ourselves against the charge of being crazy terrorist, because of people like you."


Re: *rethreading* tm_magneto February 26 2008, 20:26:16 UTC
Erik laughed. It was the first time, it seemed, in weeks. "You have such righteous indignation, Jean. I would talk further with you, if it weren't apparent that our time together has come to an end. You have fire and conviction--why, if I could, I would have recruited you." He smiled. "Though I am quite certain you would have said no."

He walked up to her, his expression becoming serious. "Thank you for visiting me. I am not going to be in here long, you and I both know that. But I will think about what you have said. I have been known to listen, on occasion. Thank you for coming to visit me, Jean."


Re: *rethreading* shadeof_grey February 26 2008, 21:37:02 UTC
"I'm glad you think it's funny," Jean muttered, then turned to him and said pointedly, "If you made Charles this crazy, no wonder he got tired of you ( ... )


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