Comics post: META META

May 16, 2008 21:22

Good news/bad news:

X-men: Legacy #211

I'm on the cover! And in a scene with Professor Xavier! That has actual dialogue! And I get to use my sparkly-dress power!

I'm not totally sure about the rest of it. . .

First, the awesome cover (please to focus not on the Brood Queen or Charles' creepy evil twin. Look at the pretty! My hair is awesome when I'm evil! (What? Nobody ever said I was modest).

The cover doesn't so much match the inside though. (Don't you HATE that??) I don't even show up until page 19, and then:

Okay, good points first -- My hair is still great. But WHAT is up with the random nudity? I know I was going through some stuff then, but I think I would remember taking of my clothes and getting in a tube. So that's just not an accurate representation of the way it happened. Unless this is supposed to be Charles' projection (since it is kind of a dream sequence -- b/c, hi, still dead). In that case why does HE want me to be randomly naked? Except that he's not even looking at me. It's almost like somebody took one of MY bad dreams and then printed it on glossy paper and sold it to a bunch of fanboys. How would you like it if -- okay, that's probably happened to most of you, hmm? Anyway, I do like that last panel, the way I'm sparkly-dressing myself. Although for the record, I never said, "I feel like I'm kissing the whole universe on the lips" or if I did it was that time I went to hang out with the Champions and Warren got us some really good weed.

Still, so far, pretty good. But then it takes a turn for the unfortunate:

Okay, what IS that first panel? It's like there are pictures of three different women -- different SIZED pictures of three different women -- that are just randomly Photoshopped together. Seriously, this is what I deserve after four years of having to be dead because Grant Morrison and Joe Quesada couldn't resolve their lovers' quarrel?

Not on, Marvel comics.
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