Title: Twice Shy
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Without a Trace/Adventure Inc.
Prompt: 056 - Breakfast
Summary: The morning after.
Warning: Slash: don't read it if you're offended.
This is relevant to my claim because... Judson and Martin really are Chris and Vin. I swear.
Follows from
Once Bitten Table (
Twice Shy )
Comments 5
Stop taunting me with fic when I have to run off to work -- like, 10 minutes ago!
Much love,
P.S. I might have had enough time, except after I read this wonderful and sexy little installment, I was compelled to go back and read about the night before again. Curse you, you diabolical author, you!
P.P.S. Martin's shyness is adorable, but Judson's sex-on-a-stick cofidence makes me purr. *eg*
I'm evil and twisted. This has been established.
Much love,
P.S. Hee.
P.P.S. More will be coming. No pun intended.
Yes. Yes, you are.
Much love,
P.P.S. But... I want the pun! The pun is good! The pun means more sex -- and how can I you go wrong with that? Intend the pun, Shifty! Write me more sex, damnit! Give into the lure of teh pr0n!
I'm easy too, apparently.
Much love,
P.S. :p
P.P.S. More coming soon. In Victor's office. Pun intended.
Judson's sex-on-a-stick confidence still hot and purr-worthy? Check!
Moon still a helpless puddle of goo about these guys? Double check!
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