Title: Overdue Debts
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Supernatural
Prompt: 065 - Passing
Summary: Caleb's been keeping a secret from the other hunters.
A rewrite since the earlier version of this fic didn't conform with season 2 at all. Takes place after IMToD.
Think it's cheating to add this to both tables? :eg:
Table Bobby glanced through the mail as he made his way inside. He didn’t usually get much except for bills but one of the envelopes made him pause. It was dog-eared and rather worse for wear, which made him wonder how many hands it had passed through before reaching him. What disturbed him though was that it was addressed to John Winchester.
He hesitated, wondering if he should see what was in it first before giving it to the boys. Everyone had taken John’s death hard, but the boys, understandably, had taken it the hardest. Bobby knew it would take time, but it still hurt to see the boys trapped in their own pain unable to reach out to each other, never mind anyone else. The last thing he wanted to push them too far, and it looked like it was a near thing most days. With a sigh he dropped the letter on the kitchen table. They wouldn’t want him coddling them and he certainly couldn’t protect them from the world forever.
Sam was the first to appear as he emerged from the room he shared with Dean. He looked tired and drawn and his brow was creased in a frown from reading in dim light all day. Bobby watched the tall man ghost silently through the house on his way outside. He pushed himself to his feet and began to look in the cupboards for something that could pass as a meal.
Several minutes later Sam returned followed by his brother. Dean was pale beneath the grease and dirt he’d accumulated while working on the car. He walked silently to the bathroom, never making eye contact with either Sam or Bobby. Bobby pushed a plate with a sandwich on it towards Sam. It wasn’t anything too heavy since he doubted either of the boys could stomach much at the moment, but it would sustain them. Sam looked reluctant but he eventually began to eat. Dean returned, moving lethargically as he sat down at the table. He began to eat automatically still not looking at either man.
“Letter came,” Bobby said finally.
Dean glanced briefly at the envelope sitting on the table, took one look at the name and returned to eating. Sam cast his brother a worried look before reaching for the envelope and opening it. Sam scanned through the contents of the letter, his eyes widening.
“It’s from Caleb,” he said, hoping to get a reaction of some sort from Dean. Dean picked listlessly at his food, appearing to ignore both of them, though the slight tilt of his head showed Sam that he was paying attention. Sam watched him as he began to read.
“I’m dead. In our business that’s probably inevitable. I need you to do me one last favour. John,” Sam paused as he read over the name, cleared his throat and continued, “I have a son. His name’s Kevin Tanner. He took his mother’s name since I have a fair number of enemies and it was safer to keep my distance. He’s working as a bounty hunter, so it might be a little difficult to track him down. He’s vulnerable John, he doesn’t know anything about what we do. I know you have your own demons, but I need you to check on him now that I can’t. Make sure he’s alright. Caleb.”
Dean coughed to clear his throat, his voice rusty from disuse.
“Caleb had a son?” Dean said, voice still rough. They’d known Caleb for years and they’d never even suspected.
“Seems so,” Bobby drawled as he watched the boys careful. “You gonna find him?”
“It’s the least we can do,” Sam replied, the haunted, hollow look in his eyes deepening just a little before being replaced by grim determination. Dean was slow to nod, but gradually he took on the same determined look as Sam.
Bobby folded the letter, placing it back in the envelope. He couldn’t help but feel relieved. Caleb’s son was a surprise, but it brought some spark back to the brothers and for now that was enough. Besides, he was curious about the kid himself.