Title: Real Life Cowboys
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: 094 - Independence
Summary: In the Pegasus Galaxy there is a tale of seven men who oppose the Wraith.
Not necessarily a sequel, but follows
Hunter Hunted.
Table As the Gate activated Sheppard pushed McKay to the ground before dropping himself. He glanced in the direction of Teyla and Ronon to make sure that they had done the same. After making eye contact with both he signalled for them to stay. The wormhole surged outwards before settling and the team waited anxiously to see who or what would be coming through.
Several moments passed before two figures finally stepped through the Gate. One carried a pair of pistols that were finely crafted though primitive from what Sheppard could see. The other man carried a bow with an arrow ready, though the string wasn’t drawn back. The arrowhead was dull in the bright morning sun and Sheppard wondered what it was coated with. The first man was dressed entirely in black and wore a wide brimmed cowboy hat and Sheppard couldn’t help but wonder if there was a planet out there covered in cowboys and when they’d stumble across it. He grinned to himself and ignored McKay’s condescending look. The man in black said something into a radio and Sheppard wondered how they accounted for the disparity in technology.
Slowly people began to emerge from the Gate. They shuffled through, huddling together before being directed to one side by an incredibly large man with an axe strapped to his back and a smaller man with a bright red jacket that made Sheppard wince. Teyla’s worried frown caught his attention as she watched the bedraggled group. He caught her eye and she nodded that she would inform him once they were out of immediate danger.
Once the group was through three more men emerged, bringing up the rear. The black man joined the large one with the axe and they conversed quietly while the moustached one reported to the man in black. Sheppard was sure from the way the others responded to him that the man in black was their leader. The final man, more of a boy really, went to the DHD and began to dial out. Sheppard glanced at McKay who simply rolled his eyes as he turned back to memorise the address.
Finally the leader came to stand with the archer and they talked quickly, sometimes gesturing past the perimeter of the clearing that the Gate was in. The archer nodded and his already quiet voice became even more so as he responded. Sheppard was anxious to note that as the man with the bow spoke the leader’s eyes tracked each of their positions. He shifted his grip on his P90 and waited. The Gate once more activated and the group once more disappeared through it, though this time the leader and archer brought up the rear. It wasn’t until the Gate had shut down and they were once again alone that Sheppard allowed himself to relax a little.
“Teyla?” he asked.
“I believe my people traded with them, many seemed familiar to me, though the men transporting them did not.”
“Maybe they’re slavers,” Ronon suggested as he scanned their surroundings.
“I vote we pretend we never saw them,” McKay said.
“You got the address?” Sheppard asked and McKay gave him an annoyed look.
“Of course I got the address, though it’s hardly a worthy use of my exceptional intelligence.”
“Cowboys,” Sheppard finally said with a huge grin. “Real life cowboys.”
Sheppard and his team stepped through the Gate and immediately fell into formation, or as close as they ever got. Teyla took point and Sheppard monitored McKay while Ronon brought up the rear. Elizabeth had consented that they check the two planets out, but would not allow them to investigate further. After visiting the planet that the men had travelled to and finding nothing Elizabeth had decided that trying to determine every planet the men had visited before reaching their destination could take weeks or even months, depending on how active the Gates they’d travelled through were. Atlantis just didn’t have the time or resources to dedicate to it. Though she had consented to visiting the planet Teyla was familiar with and seeing what exactly had happened. They’d walked for only a few minutes when they began to hear rustling in the bushes.
“We do not mean you harm,” Teyla called out.
“We’ve come to make sure you’re alright,” Sheppard added as they turned, cautiously watching for any sign of a threat. Finally an old man stepped out, followed by a dozen others. They were all dirty and exhausted and several were injured, though not seriously.
“We thought you might be the Wraith coming back,” the old man said. “I am Anan and we are the only survivors of the culling.”
“We saw some of your people being led through the Ancestors’ ring,” Teyla replied. The man seemed relieved.
“Then they are safe. Do you know where they are now?” he asked, regret and longing showing clearly on his weathered features. Sheppard shook his head.
“Not that I couldn’t have discovered where they are,” McKay muttered.
“The Seven came and offered us sanctuary, but many would not agree to their terms and so we foolishly stayed. Now there is nothing.”
“The Seven?” Ronon asked, curiosity peaked. He’d heard tales of them on various planets he had visited but had never put much stock in them.
“The Magnificent Seven,” Anan explained. “It is said that they come before a culling and warn of what is to come. They offer sanctuary to those willing to leave everything behind and never contact anyone again. I have heard that they managed to bring down a hive ship, but I do not know if this is true.”
“Do you know how to find them?” Sheppard asked. Anan shook his head.
“No one knows who they are or where they come from.”
Sheppard sighed. Now he was never going to meet a real life cowboy.