Retrospective: Writercon 2009

Jan 05, 2010 02:33

I've meant, for months, to post these, but just haven't found the time. There has always been *something* else that was more important. Still is, really. *grin*

However. I found myself reflecting over 2009 and significant happenings in it. Because I am so heavily involved in the convention planning and volunteering aspects of fandom, Writercon was a very significant event for me. Plus, I got to see people I haven't seen in years, and meet new people who I only knew as names on LJ or authors of fics I loved. Now, there are faces attached, smiles and laughter, and the hope that we'll meet up again before too long.

So! If you were at Writercon! I hope you enjoy! If you weren't, but wanted to be, I hope this gives you a little taste of being there. If you're one of the folks on my Flist who doesn't grok Fanfic or cons, just skip this one...

PS: There are some folks I couldn't identify - either I was not introduced OR I was and forgot their name. If you know who they are, PLEASE let me know so I can correctly name people.

PSS: I left out some nice pictures because there were people who didn't want pictures of them posted. Also, I have cropped some to leave the features of people out who preferred to remain unidentified.


There are no incriminating pictures of people in *this* batch. There are some questionable ones of the action figures, however...

Hospitality essentials

Because as much as the 4 fannish food groups are important (caffeine, chocolate, orange food and alcohol) fans gotta eat things with vitamins! and Protein!

John n' Rodney check out programming

The boys came with me to the con - as if I could keep them way! Rodney likes sexy people who are smart and John likes sexy people with a pulse. Well. Aren't they in luck?

Hospitality essentials II

So. We had more than beer. To be more precise, we had a bar. Thanks to soundingsea for putting together the best stocked liquor cabinet that Writercon has ever had!

Pre-con concom meeting

nwhepcat, scarlettgirl, cindergal, garnigal and kellyhk in the consuite on Thursday afternoon, crossing the T's and dotting the I's.

John and Rodney getting up to no good in the Consuite

John and Rodney clearly missed the boat on the concept of "get a room!" - every time I turned around, they were in yet another compromising position. Seriously! I have nothing to do with it - I just observed and took pictures.

Don't Worry, Be Happy! Welcome party in the Magic Box!

spiralleds and rusty_halo man the table with mintwitch while harmonyfb and chrisjournal chat.

Sunny Sunny-D!

sunnyd-lite was our gracious social hostess, greeting everyone with a smile and a lei.

Don't Worry, Be Happy Party pics!

garnigal and revdorothyl chatting at the party.

Retail Justice...

rusty_halo and mintwitch selling the Writercon tees. They were really nice tees!


missmurchison, redeem147 and ezagaaikwe catching up.


michelel72 and mystery WC member!


lunabee34, creedcascade, mystery!member, mystery!member, lilachigh, bohemianspirit

DWPH pic V

suehypno and mystery WC member!

The Red Head brigade!

general-jinjur, nwhepcat and gwynnega


versaphile, alixtii and shiverelectric

Old Timers

redeem147 and me at the DWPH party. It's amazing to realize it's only been 6 years since we all met in Tampa and listened to chrisjournal talk about how it would be fun to do a con for us, the fanfic writers, all about what we want. And here we are!

They only LOOK sweet and innocent...

harmonyfb and kellyhk hard at work getting people registered.

Hanging in the ConSuite

confusedkayt, itsabigrock, mosca viciouswishes, back of mystery!member, and inkandchocolate

Opening Ceremonies!

Here are the folks primarily responsible for Writercon 2009!

harmonyfb, kellyhk, redeem147, rusty_halo, scarlettgirl and nwhepcat.

Hanging in the ConSuite II

bastardsnow and appomattoxco

Back to the booze

Rodney wants a drink of Apple jack in a big way.

Hanging in the ConSuite III

viciouswishes, lilachigh, and rahirah

Yes, oh God, YES!

Oh my! Hide my blushing eyes! Once again, the boys are up to naughty business!

Hanging in the ConSuite IV

inkandchocolate, executrix, alizarin_nyc, (the back of ) rusty_halo, confusedkayt, and in the foreground, pukajen

Bar Minions r Us

pukajen plays bar!Minion while I take a much needed break!

What? Where? When?

There was signage to help you get there. Whereever there happened to be.

Hanging in the ConSuite V

mystery!WCmember, ezagaaikwe reading on the bed, texanfan in foreground, bohemianspirit having a snack at the table behind her, while greyias and sgatazmy chat with appomattoxco

Hanging in the ConSuite VI

appomattoxco, bastardsnow and roque_clasique reading from the fic library.

Baby, oh yeah!

Oh my! They really *really* need to get a room!

Bar Minion Moment

lordshiva proudly indicates her "I'm a minion, ask me how!" button.


Taking a picture of harmonyfb getting ready to take a picture of me. Bwaha. Life is sometimes recursive like that.


PARTY TIME! Dance monkey, dance, dance!

Lord of the Tunage

DJing up a storm and getting them out on the dance floor, ironchefjoe did a great job of the music for us.


Many people grooving to the music...


Still grooving...

Cocktail Candids I

pukajen and shaddyr, both prettied up and looking like girls. *grin*


And grooving...


Get down, get funky!

Cocktail Candids II

confusedkayt sports an interesting fashion accessory in the form of a Tony Stark style power generator. This was tres cool my friends, and it glowed. I wanted to steal it.

Cocktail Candids III

One of my favorite Spuffy writers ever, rahirah was all dolled up and agreed to pose for a piccy with me. Whee!

Cocktail Candids IV

gwynnega and 10zlaine chatting over some snacks.

Cocktail Candids V

marthawells, mezzibelle, texanfan and sp23 hanging out and chatting at the cocktail party.

Cocktail Candids VI

chrisjournal and me. Chris is the real reason any of the Writercons ever came to fruition. Not to say the rest of us didn't make huge contributions, because yes, we did - but Chris was the one who had the vision in the first place and laid the foundation and brought us on board. We'd never have gotten here if it weren't for her.

Cocktail Candids VII

lordshiva, nwhepcat and willowgreen.

Cocktail Candids VIII

alizarin_nyc, rebcake and rusty_halo

Cocktail Candids IX

Unknown!WCMember, greyias, Unknown!WCMember, bastardsnow, sgatazmy and Unknown!WCMember - they look like they're having a good time!

Cocktail Candids X

The lovely and talented harmonyfb!

Cocktail Candids XI

OMG they're so CUTE! Srsly, soundingsea, how are you and ironchefjoe so awesome?


itsabigrock shows of her killer go-go boots!


Dancing along with the famous Spike/Buffy pop-up video, set to "I Touch Myself". Good times had by all!


Still dancing to the video!

The Boys partied down as well...

Rodney needs a drink after all the wild dancing.

Cocktail Candids XII

mintwitch, kellyhk and scarlettgirl take a moment out of the hectic weekend to have a drink, kickback and relax.

Back to the Consuite for me!

chrisjournal and essene pop up to the consuite for a bit during the cocktail party.

Post Party Chillin'

Winding down after the dance. ladycat777, mystery!WCmember, sweptawaybayou, mystery!WCmember, blacknblue2, essene and itsabigrock

Post Party Chillin' II

blacknblue2, essene, itsabigrock, viciouswishes, mystery!WCmember, mystery!WCmember, alixtii and _beetle_

Those Naughty Boys!

John and Rodney, getting it on any and everywhere! Those boys just can't seem to wait long enough to make it to a room.

And all the ladies seem to enjoy posing them in an endless array of combinations...

Post Party Chillin' III

lyrstzha was vamped out in the most amazing dress and fingerless gloves - work it, girl!

Speaking of Posing the boys...

If you'll note, to the left of the lovely monanotlisa and alizarin_nyc (who are being their utterly adorable selves) John and Rodney stand on the table, thoroughly enjoying themselves. I believe monanotlisa was demonstrating the 'sweet' technique that John first used to get Rodney to fall under his spell. Or something.

Consuite Candid

A casual candid taken between panels and events - bastardsnow, blacknblue2 and mystery!WCmember.

Dead Author Party

itsabigrock and essene relaxing at the Dead Author party.

Don't make a mess of the fic library!...

And *this* is what comes of reading too much fanfic!

Well, I guess, more accurately, this is the kind of things described in fanfic that leads to the coming... uhm. You know, I'm just going to shut up now.

Dead Author Party II

lilachigh, mystery!WCmember, and sp23 listening to dancetomato. This photo is clipped as per dancetomato's wish not to have her full image displayed.

Dead Author Party III

mystery!WCmember, sunnyd-lite, hermionesviolin

Concom post-con dinner

rusty_halo, scarlettgirl, nwhepcat, spiralleds, soundingsea, mintwitch

Concom dinner II

chrisjournal, sunnyd-lite, redeem147, kellyhk, cindergal, 10zlaine

Concom dinner III

Group shot!


Mmmm, desserts!

Dead Author Party IV

Someone brought a puzzle, and a bunch of folks worked on it over the weekend, finishing it up on the Sunday night.

Dead Author Party V - Puzzle!

Showing off the completed puzzle are astridv, michelel72, redeem147, pukajen

Headed home - Seattle Bound!

A weekend at Writercon cn warp you, as evidenced by mintwitch's expression. Hee! My choice to allow them to bump me from my earlier flight meant that we were on the same plane to Seattle.

The nuttiness spreads!

See? pukajen came down with a case of the crazies, too! Fortunately for those of us who know her, it's really not that much differnt than normal...

The boys, looking a little worse for wear...

Well. At least they're behaving in the airport.

pic spam, writercon, con reports

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