Title: Reason #17 John's Marriage to Nancy Failed
shaddyrRating: PG
Pairing: none
Length: Drabble: The definition of drabble that I have always heard is a ficlet of exactly 100 words, no more and no less. So there you have it.
Warning: Extreme denial
Disclaimer: If he belonged to me, he'd be with Rodney.
"What the hell is this?"
John felt the blood draining from his face as he spied the damning evidence in Nancy's hand. It could end his career - or worse. He stared mutely. What could he say?
"What made you think I would be interested in a magazine full of naked men?"
"It wasn't for-" the words escaped before he could bite them off. Dammit! A perfect alibi, ruined. He waited for anger to change to revulsion, and was blindsided by her utter devastation. She began to cry.
"Does this belong to your... girlfriend?"
Oh, thank god. Freedom.
"I'm sorry."
A/N: I blame
outsideth3box. She sent me
this. And I had to wonder, just how much denial was Nancy in? Personally, I think she must have had a great view of the pyramids from where she was sitting...
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