Oh, babe. I understand completely. My house? Should be condemned. You have kids. I have cats. And as soon as I clean, pick-up, vacuum, scrub, I get stuff knocked off, drug in, spat upon, scratched up or shed upon. And I too would rather spend quality time with my computer than with my broom and dustpan.
I know just what you mean! I keep hoping I can get my house clean enough to hire a maid service once or twice a month, so they can do the cleaning part and can just concentrate on keeping the clutter under control.
I feel your pain. My room? Has maybe two square feet of bare carpet. And my kitchen is... well... things just keep piling and piling and piling. I have this nasty habit of not doing dishes until I am absolutely forced to. There's a bowl of half-finished cereal that I'm convinced is going to stage a hostile takeover any day now.
lol, you're not alone, every time we "blow out" the computer (the keyboard, the monitor, etc) we have tons of kittens rushing about. I think if I cleaned up the cat hair in the house I'd have,i>at least 4 more full grown cats. but I live with it because hubby won't do it either. *shrug*
Comments 24
::pets Shaddyr::
You *know* it.
Dude. I think it's the vanguard of the force that invaded *my* kitchen.
dust, mold and cat hair notwithstanding...
Make sure it is GOOD chocolate with a _very_ high Cocao content or you're wasting your opportunity :)
So -- maybe we can come and bother you some weekend.....
Glad to know I am loved in spite of my disaster area!
So -- maybe we can come and bother you some weekend.....
Yes yes yes!! Especially now that I (almost) have a voice again! I would love to see you and sing with you! Like it would *ever* be a bother. Oi!
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