Title: Crown of Laurel
mousapelliSummary: Somehow, Remus doesn't think that using a Time Turner to research Ovid is really what McGonagall had in mind by 'creative research.'
Rating: PG-13 for drunken revelry
twinkledruNotes: Well, you asked for Remus and Sirius' Excellent Adventure, and you got it. When whole sentences are italicized, the speaker
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Comments 13
*is probably incapable of speech she loves it so much*
*because it has OVID (motherfucking Ovid) and Saturnalia instead of Christmas (considering how excited our fandom gets over Lupercalia, they could at least spread the Ancient Roman Holiday lovin') and gorgeous, adorable relationship between the pups and bad puns about penises and so much love*
The answer hit Remus like a winebowl to the face when they entered the dining room.
"I'm so sorry!" exclaimed the woman, dressed from head to toe in orange silk as she scooped it up off the floor. "It just slipped out of my hand!"
Oh, god, and I love that line in particular.
I also love all the bits about Remus' awkward latin. Because it is so very right! His latin would sound terribly awkward!
Oh, I love this. And am going to try and stop gushing now.
"Rome," Sirius said grandly, sucking in a chestful of air as though it were bracing, then promptly was sick right beside Remus.
*loves that too.*
I'm, like, incoherent. That is how awesome this is. AWESOME.
Just so much love. Thank you so, SO much.
*dies laughing*
Oh, also hysterical. Wee!
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