20in20 Challenge {Round 2}: SUBMIT!

Mar 29, 2011 19:54

Time for our second 20in20!

-No sign-ups required! You just have to be a member of SHC to participate.
-All icons must be Silent Hill-related (but you are free to use the games, movies, comics, etc. within the SH universe)

-When you complete your 20in20, host the icons to your personal journal, and then comment below with a link to them.
-I will then place your name in the “participants” section below along with the link to your submitted icons.
-After the deadline, I’ll host all icons in a new post where everyone will vote.
-Prizes will then be handed out as soon as I can get them all made.

Themes 1-10
There will be a first place winner for each theme, including any and all ties.
Special Category
There will be a first, second, and third place winner, including any and all ties..
Artist’s Choice
There will be a first, second, and third place winner, including any and all ties.

Personalized banners will be created for all winners.

Themes 1-10: Mixture of Abstract and Concrete
1. Dreams: interpret however you wish…
2. Stock Image: use a stock image in the icon
3. Broken Record: icon must feature at least 2 consecutive words from Radiohead’s Videotape
4. Raw: present a “naked” image, meaning no color changes, no brightness/contrast edits, no texture, no text, nothing… all that is allowed is cropping. Let the image you choose speak for itself.
5. Time: interpret however you wish…
6. One Color: the icon must feature only ONE dominant color
7. Grunge Texture: use a grunge texture in the icon. Try searching dA for textures!
8. Humor: make the icon funny in some way
9. Blur: some part of the icon must be noticeably blurry
10. Nightmares: interpret however you wish…

Themes 11-15: Special Category, Overkill
For these five icons, you must use one image to create five different icons. Each icon needs to be noticeably different. For example:

These two icons are NOT different. They are the same, except the second has a slight alteration.

But these two ARE different! :] Major changes should be made to the icons to separate them.

Image is the cover of the comic, Silent Hill: Dead or Alive.

I’m sure you guys won’t have a problem with this, but I wanted to provide examples just to be clear.

And finally, the last five icons, 16-20 are Artist’s Choice, so they are entirely up to you!

If you have any questions, please post them below!

eve_sparda ~ I shouldn't be afraid.
jasderp ~ DOG. It's what's for dinner.

20in20: round two, submission

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