20in20 Challenge {Round One}: Themes

Feb 27, 2011 20:18

And now, as promised, we’re going to start our first ever 20in20!

-No sign-ups required! You just have to be a member of SHC to participate.
-All icons must be Silent Hill-related (but you are free to use the games, movies, comics, etc. within the SH universe)
-To clarify with the journal's title, there aren't actual rounds within the 20in20, but that's just to keep this challenge separate from other 20in20s we may do in the future.

-When you complete your 20in20, host the icons to your personal journal, and then comment below with a link to them.
-I will then place your name in the “participants” section below along with the link to your submitted icons.
-After the deadline, I’ll host all icons in a new post where everyone will vote. The themes will be voted on in three different parts, each part naming a first, second, and third place winner. So in total, there will be nine winners (three for the 1-10 themes set, three in the SC set, and three in the AC set).
-Prizes will then be handed out as soon as I can get them all made. Prizes have yet to be announced.

Themes 1-10: Mixture of Abstract and Concrete
1. Beginnings: needs to deal with the beginnings of something (a game, a relationship, a life, etc.)
2. Rotation: rotate the image in some way
3. Together: interpret anyway you wish
4. Negative Space: at least 50% of the icon needs to be empty/negative space
5. OTP: show off your “one true pairing” (can be canon, crossover, crack, etc.)
6. Provided Texture: the icon must feature THIS TEXTURE in an obvious way
7. Large Text: text is required for this icon, and it must take up 50% or more of the icon
8. Provided Color: the icon must feature THIS COLOR in an obvious way
9. Help: show a character who needs help, use the word, etc. just relate to the theme
10. Endings: needs to deal with the endings of something (a game, a relationship, a life, etc. …basically the opposite of what the first theme was about…)

Themes 11-15: Special Category
For these five icons, you must represent the five elements in some way, whether you do so literally, through text, or by any other means.
11. Fire
12. Water
12. Earth
14. Wind
15. Spirit

And finally, the last five icons, 16-20 are Artist’s Choice, so they are entirely up to you!

If you have any questions, please post them below!

20in20 is now CLOSED!! Voting will be up whenever I can get all the icons together.

themes, 20in20: round one

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