Name: VG
Are you over 16?: Yes~
Personal LJ:
vgcg Email: toboe_fangirl40@yahoo.com
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Other contact: MSN: Preseathepup@hotmail AIM: Dragonhowl7
Characters already in the game: Amaterasu, Naomi Kimishima, Naoto Shirogane, Cielo, Yuuka Kazami
How did you find us?: Been here for almost a year! >w<
Character name: Flippy/Fliqpy
Fandom: Happy Tree Friends
Timeline: Some time after "Without A Hitch"
Age: Unknown (Though, since I'm guessing he was 18 at least when drafted and participated in the war, at least in his twenties)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Flippy was in the military some time ago and still proves to be very efficient at using both various weapons and random objects to get himself out of different situations. Of course, that's nothing too much when compared to Fliqpy. While they are both the same person, Fliqpy is Flippy's violent side. His weapon of choice is a bowie knife, but he can beat down most of his competition with random weapons from something standard like an assault rifle to gutting and skinning someone with a Christmas tree cookie or just fight hand-to-hand combat.
A bizarre ability to consider, for the sake of the show, is that the Happy Tree Characters can revive in 12-24 hours (at least by the next day). Of course, that means their general luck is overall pretty bad, letting them get killed in horrendous ways almost on a daily basis. This ability doesn't apply to certain situations like dying of old age. Yes, for being Super Rambo on crack he is still able to age normally like any other human (human-bear thing... person).
How would they use their abilities?: Flippy would use his abilities to do various jobs around Thor or help out people. Unfortunately, Fliqpy would use his skills to injure or kill as many people as he can until snapped back to Flippy or incapacitated.
Appearance: From the show, his image is that of a light green bear, probably around 3 feet in height, and dressed in US Army Special Forces attire. In other words, he wears a dark green beret with a orange and yellow checkered shield patch (on the left side), a green camo jacket with arrows on both upper arms (colors repeat orange, yellow, orange), and his two dog tags. He was decorated to be on the level of Sergeant. (Cartoon doesn't depicts him with pants. There are characters with pants, but... yea, I don't understand that either. Kinda like Disney when it comes to Mickey having pants and Donald not)
Growing up in a decent family setting, Flippy did not seem like the military type. He was a sweet guy, generous, got along with everyone, and was not at all the fighting kind. Hell, the only rebellious thing he did was get an ear piercing. When the WAR (Weaponized Animal Regiment) started against the Tigers, he was drafted into the military, becoming a private, and was assigned to a unit with Sneaky and Mouse Ka-boom. Sadly, when they were on a mission to ambush one of the Tiger Bases, Flippy proved to be a rather clumsy soldier. He was supposed to deliver a pizza and attack the Tiger General with a dagger hidden inside the box, but he ended up throwing a slice of pizza at the General instead. He then proceeded to accidentally killing his own unit while trying to fall back. He took refuge in Sneaky's corpse, terrified as the Tiger General's soldiers surrounded him. It was at that moment that Flippy seemed to snap and Fliqpy came into being. Fliqpy took Sneaky's spinal column, ribs, and femur as weapons, slaughtered the Tiger General's men, and turned on the General himself with a knife. He got stabbed through the abdomen and had both of his hands cut off, but still succeeded in killing the Tiger General alone (he goes on to cutting up the General's head to look like another pizza, horrifying the next Tiger base. Yes, he was still very much covered in blood).
(Note: The WAR is suggested to be something akin to the Vietnam War except... well, everyone is replaced with animals. Most likely didn't last as long though.
Sneaky: Flippy's teammate during his time of duty. He's a Chameleon and the stealth member usually in charge of ambushes.
Mouse Ka-boom: Flippy's other teammate during his time of duty. He's a French Mouse and the explosives expert.)
Despite his initial slip-ups, Flippy was promoted to Sergeant before the war ended and returned home. However, the war turned him into a ticking time bomb. He was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) shortly after coming home. He found himself suffering from frequent flashbacks to the war especially when he saw, heard, or got into situations remotely familiar to the time he served. Worse, whenever he had an episode, Fliqpy would seize the opportunity to take over Flippy's body and try killing anyone he could. It was obvious Flippy could no longer live in his home town; he wasn't going to risk it. So, he left to live on his own in (what will be called) Happy Tree Town.
Whenever Flippy is usually seen on the show, he gets along pretty well with the residents, but as misfortune is a common plague in Happy Tree Town, he ends up flipping out and killing everyone around him. His current kill count for being present in only 15 episodes (out of the hundred or so made) is a greater than 65 while his death count is 6. This can mostly be blamed on his 'flips outs', though, some of the kills counted are from "Double Whammy/Autopsy Turvy" where Flippy confronted Fliqpy who seemed to become a separate entity. Flippy was able to kill Fliqpy, but it's unknown if he's gone for good.
Personality wise, Flippy is a very social and kind person, willing to help others out and often enjoys various social activities with the other Happy Tree Friends. However, he gets nervous around new people since he fears for their safety. He seems to be good friends with Flaky, though, he has killed her on several occasions when he has flipped out. It seems that she's the only one able to snap him out of his Fliqpy state with a scream. Originally, Flippy is unaware of his flip outs, forgetting about his bloody rampages, but later, he tries to get treatment from a psychiatrist, quite fearful of what his other side can do. He does take medication for his PTSD, but that doesn't seem to help contain Fliqpy.
(Flaky: Another Happy Tree Friends character. She's a red porcupine with excessive dandruff in her quills and is scared of almost everything including Flippy. She killed him once out of her paranoia in "Without A Hitch", thinking he might flip on her when he was only going to help her get out of her car after an accident.)
While Flippy is sweet, Fliqpy is not. Born from Flippy's mind to keep himself from dying in combat, Fliqpy cannot distinguish friend or foe and usually leaves no room for talking, hurting others with a wicked grin on his face. While Flippy is pretty decent in combat, Fliqpy is a powerhouse, sadistic, and does not easily go down. Anything is a tool for battle, both conventional and unorthodox weapons including other Happy Tree Friends (like Flaky). Fliqpy tries taking over Flippy whenever he can especially at his most vulnerable moments which are usually whenever Flippy suffers a PTSD episode. When Fliqpy is not trying to take over, he torments Flippy mentally, commonly resulting in Flippy talking to himself or punching at the air.
Have you read up on how the game works?: Pretty much have it down. Get money by jobs, freelancing, stealing, or mooching, Vogons can't write poetry, both murderer and dying must fill out an application, plug-in is called the FlamingFerret, and jobs are posted at the beginning of the months. Oh, and the Improbability Drive is crazy.
1st person sample:
[The feed is flickering on and it appears as though a bear and Vogon are staring at it. One is a Vogon. The other appears to be a light green bear. Finally, the static settles and... well, it is a bear]
Oh, I get it now. So, where do I need to sign still?
[The Vogon is grumbling something and the newcomer seems to be having some difficulty following him. Of course, he... nods and signs the document, jumping when another Vogon shoves something up his ear]
Ow! How about a warning next time!? ... Wait...
As I was saying, here's your towel. Now get out of here. Next!
W-Wait, I still have a question!
[Nope, he's being forced to stand and getting pushed away from the desk, fumbling a bit as he grabs the guide. He's holding it and the black towel close, blinking when the Vogon walks away]
... I just wanted to know what happened to my friends. Geez...
[He pauses and glances around, frowning a bit]
Flaky? Cuddles? Handy? ... Lumpy? Man, I must be desperate if I'm asking where he is... [The feed times out.]
3rd person sample:
He should be use to pressing situations like this, but to know his world is gone and the others might be as well, it was concerning. Sure, dying daily and in various painful ways sucked, but now it seemed like he was the only one alive. Flippy thought about pinching himself to make sure this wasn't a nightmare; he considered his bowie knife too, but spilling blood right now, even his own, that was risking to make a bad first impression with the other refugees on the SS Thor. He needed their help to get settled in and start working his way to getting his home and friends back. The last thing anyone here needed to experience was Fliqpy.
"You won't keep me contained forever, dumbass. You'll slip up..."
"Shut up," Flippy mumbled, tucking his guide and towel under his arm before straightening his beret. He'd have to deal with Fliqpy in a minute; he had to focus on finding the room and meeting his roommates before getting to his exercises for an hour. A throaty laugh made him jump and quicken his pace down the hallway. He didn't make any eye contact with the aliens around, turning his head the moment he saw red.
'Keep going. Keep going...!'
"The enemy's coming closer... He'll slit your throat...!"
Flippy is almost sprinting now, terrified, his heart pounding and his head swimming.
Eyes are on him, the field is burning, guns are everywhere...!
"Kill them first."
His green eyes started turning yellow, his teeth slowly sharpened, and he reached back for his bowie knife, prepared to strike, but then his muscles seized and he froze, gritting his teeth. The knife clattered when it hit the floor and he grabbed his head, shutting his eyes, "S-Stop it...!"
"Sir, are you alright?"
Flippy turned quickly, green eyes wide in shock. He was just staring, he knew, but the laughter in his head had him frozen in place for a good minute or so before it finally died away. He took several calming breaths, gathered himself and nodded, rubbing his head, "S-Sorry about that. I was just... a little startled..."
Hopefully, this wasn't going to be an everyday occurrence.
Questions?: For now, I still play Flippy able to flip out, but he hasn't been featured in any new episodes since Without a Hitch. Is it alright if he can still flip out? Also, Fliqpy has a separate account. That's okay, right? Last question... should I list what are his triggers for his episodes/flip outs?
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes I did!