[CLOSED] - Maple Syrup Spree 6

Sep 07, 2006 16:27

my sgspree feedback  [+48/-0] (thank you all darlings for your sweet comment)

please see last comment of this entry for new updates after spree closed!

Kindly credit
xpink_xuanx if you're taking anything here.

Terms and conditions :

- This is the 6th time i organise Maple Syrup spree as you know there's some TW seller tend to be slow in mailing out the items. 
So please give 3-4weeks for items to arrive. If you can't wait, please don't join. 
- POSB/DBS Internetbanking / ATM Transfer & UOB Internetbanking / ATM transfer. (NO INTER TRANSFER PLS)
- NO Payments NO Orders. 
- NO reserving of slots/items, only post your order once you make the payment. (i'm sick of dead spree-er! i don't wish to email one by one and ask for MONEY. i'm not loanshark!)
- Kindly state Alternate Items to avoid disappointment.
- I reserve the right to delete any orders that i'm not comfortable with. (including those that do not follow my rules and in my blacklisted list!) 
- I will not be held responsible for missing, defective or erroneous items during shipping, normal mail and any other unusual circumstances. credit evalasting So please double check your items before submit.
- There will be 2 payments, first payment for items. Second payment is for ezpay payment, shipping cost and local postage to your place.
- Participants are reminded to bookmark this post for updates.
- All paid orders , comments will be freeze. Any additional orders please re-post with full format of order.
- Lastly, if you're not comfortable with the way i organise the spree please DON'T join as i don't want to have any conflicts.

I will be updating seller for all paid orders. So if your comments are freeze means seller have reserve your items.

*IMP* (缺貨) means Out of stock, so kindly don't place any order with this.


1. Website that you are ordering from

2. When you will stop taking orders 
10th Sept 2006 11pm SHARP

3. My email address

4. How spree participants should make payment to you
POSB Savings 120-98397-0
UOB Uniplus A/C 386-372-078-6

Via Internet Banking, with your LJ nickname. For those transfering Via ATM, please state down ref no. , time of transfering and the amount.

5. How you will distribute items
Via Registered/Normal Mail ONLY. NO MEET-UP

6. Exchange rate 
SGD $1 = 20.3NT

7. Shipping details 

Format of order

LJ nick / name: **PLEASE FILL IN THIS!!!**
Account Type & Number (incase refund for oos and you've no alt choice):

item name:
item url: (Make sure this is working!)
qty: 1 
Alt. if OOS:
Price in TW = xxx TW

item name:
item url: (Make sure this is working!)
qty: 1
Alt. if OOS:
Price in TW = xxx TW

Total Price in TW:  item 1 + item 2
Total in SGD: xxx / 20.3  =  SGD$
Transaction Reference xxxxxxxxx
Date :
Time :

Enjoy Spree-ing~~~~~~~~!

All enquiries please mail to xpink.xuanx@gmail.com to keep the thread clean.
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