Benefit Spree #1 CLOSED!

Aug 23, 2007 17:35

Been ages since I organised a spree and I miss it!

Spreeing Benefit this time round. (: Just came back from the US and I bought Benefit from there - IT'S GOOOD!!! Love their quirky yet adorable packaging and brand philosophy. Highly recommend some kind a gorgeous for girls who don't like their face to be all caked with foundation.

FREE international shipping!
Cap at 200 USD!

SPREE IS NOW CLOSED!!! To those who have not made payment, please do so soon (: Will send out mass email after I have placed orders!



24/08/07 - Spree closed.
25/08/07 - Order placed. Estimated delivery date: 26 Sept. Mass email sent!
27/08/07 - Order shipped!
06/09/07 - Package is here! Mass email sent!
07/09/07 - All packages sent! Spree is complete (:

T&Cs - Please read thru before ordering

1. Always check if spree has closed b4 ordering/making payment.
2. Strictly no interbank or atm transfers!!!
3. No payment = No order.
4. Ensure your item is not OOS.
5. I will not be responsible in the event that a) wrong item is shipped b) item is damaged during shipping c) item gets lost during shipping. I will however make sure that I am extra careful and place the correct order on your behalf (:
6. I reserve the right to cancel the spree or close it early.
7. In event of any amendments to your order , please delete your old post and repost with your new order. Please also state in your new order that there has been a change.
8. Any sales tax, local GST and extra charges to be borne by spree participants.
9. Updates will be done on spree page, please save it in your bookmarks. Impt/urgent matters will be settled via emails.

Frozen replies = Payment received!

i. website:

ii. exchange rate:
1 USD = 1.57 SGD

iii. spree organiser's email:
milodrinker at gmail dot com

iv: format of order:
acct no/type (in case of refunds):

item #1:
item url: please make sure this is correct!
qty: 1
price in USD:

Total no of items:
Total in SGD: Total in USD x 1.57

Transaction Ref:

v. mode of payment:
DBS/POSB transfer to POSB SAVINGS 126740999. Rem to include your lj-nick when transferring!

vi. last date/time for orders/payment:
When cap of 200 USD has been reached.

vii. shipping details:
FREE intl shipping to Singapore.
There will be a second collection for local postage + top up for shipping (if any) + GST (if any).

viii. mode of distribution:
by POST only. 
50 cents per participant will be collected for handling charges.

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