Anonymous posting is allowed, there are no captchas, and no ip logging. Respect other people's right to be anonymous!
All pairings (including threesomes, foursomes, moresomes) are allowed.
The kink meme is open for all Stargate series and movies.
Do NOT bash characters, pairings, kinks, or real people
There will be NO rudeness - no comments that someone's prompt, pairing, fill, or kink is stupid or disgusting, or whatever. Remember, if you don't like it, just scroll past it!
All sexualities are allowed such as het, slash, femslash, solo, poly, etc
All ratings are accepted, but readers should expect most fills to be R or NC-17.
Leave 1 prompt per comment
Crossovers are accepted, but the focus should be on Stargate.
Please warn for spoilers for episodes and movies newer than 2 years.
Please report wank to a mod if you see it. Excessive wank (mod's decision) can lead to the thread getting frozen.
Please use the correct format when you post a prompt/request
List order: show, pairing, kink (if any), prompt/explanation (if any). Use first names when there are no risk of confusion. If it can be anyone, say 'any' or 'any male', or 'any female'. Or say 'Wraith', 'Goa'uld', 'Tok'ra', 'human'... If you want descriptions, like dom!Sam, then put it in the description, not in the pairing. Put RPF before RPF prompts. Examples:
SG-1, Sam/Jack, bondage, dom!Sam. Sam had been shopping online for the vacation.
SG-1, Jack/Daniel, roleplay
SGA, Carson/Rodney, aliens made them do it, The planet's population had seemed very friendly, and that was confirmed later.
SG-1, Sam/Martouf/Lantash, tickling
SG-1/SGA, Jack/Elizabeth, consent play
RPF, Richard Dean Anderson/Michael Shanks, slave auction
WARNING: requests and fills may contain triggers!
Fills can be posted anonymously.
Fills can be fic, art, icons, vids, walls, manips... anything really, but if the prompter/requester asks for something particular, like fic, then you should follow that.
Please do NOT link to locked material. This community has an AO3 collection here where you can post anonymously. Mods will try to archive the prompts there after a month, if the prompter does not want to themselves/does not have an account. Just say if you want us to archive your prompt/fill!
Please link to NSFW or triggery images/videos. Don't embed.
Please nest your stories. If it has multiple parts, reply to part 1 to add new bits.
Please do not link to locked material.
Please post your fills in this format (subject line): Title, Rating, (Pairing/Ship/Character), Warnings.