Fic: Homes (G)

Mar 12, 2006 16:23

Title: Homes
Author: SGAtlantisLight
Characters: McKay, Sheppard, Beckett, Zelenka, Weir
Relationships: McKay/Sheppard, Zelenka/Beckett
Rating: G for this part, but the series as a whole is NC-17
Warnings: Fluff
Spoilers: None
Summary: Part 59 of the Broken Series
Disclaimer: The characters, the setting, etc. are NOT mine, even if I wish they were.

They spent the next two weeks traveling, trying to cram what should have been months of visiting into a short time. First on their list was Rodney's sister, Jeannie. She was now Jeannie Williams, divorced, and with three kids-- James Jr., age 9; Rodney, age 8; and Marie, age 6.

She gave John a piercing and suspicious look. "How can you be married to my brother if you're in the US Air Force? Don't they have rules against that?"

"I'm retired, doing consulting for them," John lied. "The 'Colonel' is a courtesy." It was their agreed-on cover story, since they couldn't very well explain that DADT didn't apply to the expedition to another galaxy.

She was warmer to Carson and Radek and adored Deyn ("It's obvious all the parental instincts went to her," John teased). They spent the next three days doing tourist things-- Centreville Amusement Park, where Rodney learned that John really did love Ferris wheels and Deyn developed a fascination with carousels; the Ontario Science Center where Rodney held forth on the wonders of science to his niece and nephews and actually managed to keep their attention, as much because of how he lit up on the topic as anything else; and one day shopping and a trip to Air Combat Zone where John and Rodney and Jimmy and his brother Rodney blew two hours and over $400 Canadian to emerge with huge grins to the cheers of Jeannie, Marie, Carson, Radek, and Deyn.

"Not bad for simulator," John said.

This pretty much cemented Uncle John as the Best Uncle Ever in the hearts of Rodney's nephews and there were many sighs and tears when the foursome of Uncles John and Rodney and "Uncles" Carson and Radek had to leave.

"Hey, next time, don't wait ten years, okay?" Jeannie said.

Rodney smiled and hugged her. "I won't. I promise."

She turned to John and hugged him, too. "Take good care of him. He's the only brother I have, even if he is an idiot."


Former Lieutenant Colonel Frank Sheppard stared at the son he hadn't seen in over twenty years. "John?"

"Hi, Dad."

"I... got your letters, but I never expected... It's good to see you."

"I want you to meet Rodney."

"The Rodney?" his father asked.

"Yeah, he's the one."

Frank Sheppard smiled and nodded. "I'm honoured to meet the man that made my son happy."


"You know you can't heal them?" Radek asked Deyn again, as their rented car pulled up outside the apartment building where Anezka and Damek Zelenka lived with her five children that Damek had made his own.

The boy nodded.

There was a moment of unease as Radek faced his ex-wife and brother, then he smiled, embraced his brother and gave Anezka a chaste kiss on the cheek. The three spoke rapid-fire Czech for a moment, then Radek turned and pointed to John and Rodney, introducing them.

Anezka and Damek nodded at each, then she nervously said, "Welcome to our home. We're pleased to meet you."

Then Radek turned and introduced Deyn, who accepted her welcome with a shy smile, and Carson.

She stepped forward and took Carson's hand. "Thank you, for taking care of him."


On the day that Carson and Radek officially registered their civil partnership, friends and family members gathered for a great celebration. Aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, people with "once-removed" and "twice-removed" in their relationship titles all descended on the town Agnes Beckett called home. Agnes's aunt, Morag Carson, the great matron of her side of the family held sway with the dignity of her 87 years for some time until Carson's Great-Uncle James Beckett arrived to represent the paternal side, trumping Morag's age by 4 years. His eyes were as blue as his great-nephew's and held a spark of humour reflected in the broad smile in his craggy face.

Feasting and dancing were the order of the day. Deyn made friends among the youngsters and all four men found their hearts leaping to see him laughing and smiling.

"So," John said at one point when Carson broke from the dancing for a while, "I can see the plaid you wear appears to be on your mother's side. So, it's the Carson plaid?"

"MacPherson tartan," Carson answered.

"Okay, so now I'm still confused."

"Carson is a sept of MacPherson."

John gave him a blank look.

"Never mind, John. I'll explain it later," Carson called as he was dragged away and back to the dancing.


The east pier had never looked so good as it did as they stepped off into the shining Lantean sunlight. Elizabeth stepped forward and nodded to them. "Gentlemen, welcome home."

Rodney reached out and grabbed the hand John was moving toward his hair, giving John an annoyed scowl, though the glint in John's eye told him he could feel Rodney's amusement.

"Thanks," John said. "It's good to be back. It's good to be home."

non-smut, broken, fiction, mckay/sheppard, slash, beckett/zelenka

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