Welcome to the 2018 Stargate Atlantis Reverse Bang!

Apr 01, 2018 09:47

Welcome to the Stargate Atlantis Reverse Bang!

This is a challenge where artists make at least one piece of fanart, then authors write a minimum 1,000 word fic inspired by the piece that they've chosen. It's time to get the next round started, and things are much the same as last year but there are a few changes, so please do read over the info, even if you've participated before.

General Information
Info for Artists
Info for Authors

As above, artists make at least one piece of fanart, then authors write a minimum 1,000 word fic inspired by the piece that they've claimed.

Participants are required to have a LiveJournal or a Dreamwidth account to participate.

This year artwork and stories can focus on any Stargate verse (SGA, SG1 and SGU Any ratings, genres, pairings, and moresomes are allowed.

General rules for fanworks apply, ie. no plagiarism or stealing, and give credit for resources.

Art and fic should be made specifically for this challenge. Sequels/prequels/additions to existing series are allowed as long as the fic/art can stand alone.

Warnings are required for implied and explicit depictions of: non-con, dub-con, minors (under 18) in sexual situations, suicide, and major character death.

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Artist sign-ups: April 1st - April 31st
Author sign-ups: April 1st - June 30th
Art for claiming due: July 4th
Claiming: July 11th, time TBD
Drop-out deadline for authors:Sept 1st. (If authors drop out after this date, they risk being banned from the next round)
Posting period:Nov. 1st - 8th
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What types of fanart are allowed?
For the primary piece (ie, the one that will be used for claiming), pretty much any medium is fine as long as the artwork can be used to inspire a story. If you're planning to do something really unorthodox, please check with the mods before you get started on your artwork.

Additional artwork can be any medium.

The artwork submitted must be new, or at least it cannot have been posted on the internet before.

How many pieces can I submit?
You can make as many pieces of fanart as you like, but all of the pieces should be able to work together as one story.

How big does the artwork have to be?
For drawings and manips, the canvas size should be minimum 500x500px. Vids should be at least one minute long. For other types of fanart, please get in touch with the mods.

With your main art submission you'll also need to send in a preview from the image, either 300x300px or with either the width or height being 300px and no dimension exceeding that size.

You can either crop your main picture or reduce it in size overall. Only one preview is used, even if there's more than one artwork. Vids need a brief preview vid that can be linked to and played by claimants, and a still-frame preview image for the Claims page. If your main artwork is a moving gif, the preview should be a still-shot from that gif.

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What are the requirements for fics?
The fic must be a minimum of 1,000 words long, and it should be inspired by the artwork that you've claimed.

What's with the drop-out deadline?
If authors drop out after Sept 1st, those authors risk being banned from participating in the next year's Reverse Bang. This is to discourage people from dropping out last-minute, to give the mods plenty of notice to enlist pinch-hitters, and to make sure that pinch-hitters will have a reasonable amount of time to finish their fics.

Do I need a DW account?
If you want to post your contribution on DW you will need a DW account.

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The claiming process will work the same as in previous years except the claiming will be done on livejournal.

A few days before July 11th, a members-only post will go up with previews of all the artwork so that authors can decide which artwork they'd like to write for. The post will be closed to comments.

This is an example of what an art preview will look like:

Character(s) and/or pairing(s):

On July 11th, exact time TBD, comments will be turned on so that authors can reply with their top few choices. If an author can't make the claiming time, they can arrange for a proxy to comment for them.

Claims will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. If an author's first choice has already been claimed, they'll be given their second choice, then third, and so on. If all of an author's choices have been claimed, we would skip them and get back to them for the 2nd round of claiming, provided there is a 2nd round.

The 2nd round will start after all of the artwork has been claimed once. Then the mods will go back through the comments and assign first, second, third, etc., choices for authors who didn't get a claim in the first round, or for anyone who wants to claim two artworks to write stories for.

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Posting will work the same as last year. Authors and artists can  post their stories and artwork anywhere they want, and then post master links here at the community. This means that you can post your art/stories on just your LJ, just your DW, your website, the AO3**, tumblr, deviantART -- anywhere is fine as long as it can be viewed publicly. If you only have an LJ or only have a DW account, the mods can mirror the link posts on the other community for you.

There should be one post on the community for each art/story pair.

When it gets closer to the posting time, a "Posting Date" claim post will go up. Authors and artists should decide beforehand which days they can/would like to post, then reply to the entry with their choices. Posting dates will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

There will also be a template provided for posting master links to the community.

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Do I need a DW?
No. The claiming will be done on LJ.

Are crossovers allowed?
For this round we are allowing all Stargate (SGA, SG1 and SGU). Crossovers can only be with characters from these shows. For example. John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, Ronon Dex/Teal'c are allowed, John Sheppard/Dean Winchester is not.

However, after much discussion we've decided, monsters, robots, etc... (from shows/movies) don't count as actual characters and would be okay in art.

So, if you want to use a robot or giant monster(or whatever) then that's fine. When you submit your art don't worry about putting another fandom since it's only the monsters, etc.. used and it won't be counted as a crossover.

Can the art/fic be part of an existing series?
Yes, as long as it can stand alone and be understood without seeing/reading the other parts.

Will check-ins be required?
Yes. This year the mods have decided that we will post a reminder/check-in entry to be used as both a reminder and to get an idea of any artist/author who thinks they will not be able to complete their art/story well ahead of time so that pinch hitters can be found and given ample time to complete their work. Don't worry, we aren't going to require a draft or outline, but we do expect you to be honest.

Do I need a beta?
Betas for stories are strongly encouraged. The mods and this community can't find you a beta, but there will be a beta post for those who want to give/receive help.

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!mod post, 2018 info post

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